material-date-range-picker copied to clipboard
Need Update, for latest Material UI Version
Several import is not suitable with latest material ui, and i facing some issue
Error: You are calling withTheme(Component) with an undefined component. You may have forgotten to import it.
error found in material-ui-pickers.esm.js:133 ` var SelectableCell = withTheme()(styled(Cell)(_templateObject5(), getBorderRadius, function (_ref5) { var theme = _ref5.theme, isCurrent = _ref5.isCurrent; return isCurrent ? fromTheme(theme, 'current', '#9e9e9e') : 'transparent'; }, getBackground, getColor));
Hey Ario Setiawan, thx for reporting! 👏 Unfortunately I haven't looked into the project for a while, as I do not use the picker myself atm. Would be very happy to review and merge any fixes.