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@Cooldown annotation
Extend the drink api to include cooldown annotations for ease of managing cooldowns @Require
Per: the time at which the uses gets reset Rate: the number of times that are allowed the command to be executed in a specific amount of time BucketType: Which to apply the cooldown on
This is inspired by discord.py cooldowns
- USER - applys a per-user cooldown
- COMMAND - applys the cooldown globally
When annotated on an @Command
annotated method
The cooldown applys on that command with respect to the bucket type, if a player is on cooldown. it will call a handler callback[^1].
When annotated on the class
Either The cooldown mapping is shared across all sub commands OR Add a mapping as the same as @Cooldown
being annotated on all of the sub commands
You can achive this by making a boolean or another annotated @ClassCooldown
for example
[^1]: A cooldown handler is should be a function that takes in (Player, DrinkContainer), (You may also make it return a boolean, if false the cooldown will be neglected)
I may implement this if i get time in about 2 weeks but feel free if u have suggestions or anyone to do it
Perhaps a system for binding annotations to whole command methods ("modifiers"?) similar to @Require
would be nice to have, so that this and similar implementations can be done by users.
such as:
where Cooldown.class
is the @Annotation
class, and CooldownHandler
implements a Modifier
interface or abstract class.
I don't have any time to do this soon, but seems like a good idea.
You could also technically get the behaviour you want using a custom annotation+provider on the player/sender type