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Materials for my Structural and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization course


The slides of the different lectures are available on SUPAERO's LMS. Course with participation of Professors/researchers from SUPAERO, ICA, ONERA

On some vulgarization articles

Linkedin on mdo

Theconversation on topopt

PART1: Design Optimization basics and structural optimization


For students not familliar with FEA

Amanote's tutorial

Course 1

Course 1 outro

Course 2

Course 3

Lecture note thanks to Prof Ning and Martins

NEW!! Course 4 !! Ecodesign

TUTORIALS on gradient sensitivity C1/C2


TUTORIALS on gradient sensitivity C1/C2





PART2: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

A short intro by Prof. MORLIER

Professors Martins and Ning have published a new text book on multidisciplinary design optimization, and they’ve generously decided to give the digital version away for free! There are good lessons on Problem formulation (Section 1.2), comparisons of gradient-based and gradient-free algorithms (Sections 1.4.1-1.4.3), and overview of numerical solver algorithms (Section 3.6), and a great introduction to various MDO concepts (Section 13) — including an introduction to the MAUD equations that underpin OpenMDAO (Section 13.2.6). If you want to learn more about some of the various techniques for taking derivatives of your numerical models, I highly recommend Chapter 6. They’ve provide code and examples from the textbook in a companion github repo. You can learn more about how AD works, test out surrogate modeling methods, or try out a 10 bar truss example. They also have a set of lectures based on the content of the book free on youtube

Go deeper in MDAO by Prof. Morlier

Q&A session

detailed planning with my colleagues of ONERA Introduction MDO/MDA, formulation, google colab, OpenMDAO, sellar problem

PART3: Surrogate Modeling and UQ

Course and Practice 2024

More references

Artificial Inteligence for Engineering

Surrogate Modeling

Machine Learning in Mechanics thanks to Miguel Bessa

To go deeper in Surrogate Modeling

Play with SMT

Q&A session


Over the year, Thanks to my colleagues of UoM, ONERA, Supaero and Airbus.



"Principles of Optimal Design Modeling and Computation”, P.Y. Papalambros & D.J. Wilde, Cambridge University Press

“Elements of Structural Optimization”, R.T. Haftka & Z. Gurdal, Kluwer

Online courses

SMO course, Haftka, Florida Institue of Technology

Optimisation structurale et multidisciplinaire P. Duysinx, ULB

Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization, Prof. Olivier de Weck, Prof. Karen Willcox MIT Course Number: ESD.77 / 16.888

Design Optimization Tools : Course Material Pascal Etman, Piet Schreurs, Rob Bastiaans EIT Eindhoven

Engineering Optimization, Fred van Keulen, TU DELFT, Topology Optimization, Ole Sigmund , Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Optimisation de structures, Gregoire Allaire, X

Optimisation numerique, Aleks Janka, Université de Fribourg