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A Kubernetes operator to manage RethinkDB clusters.
RethinkDB Operator
A Kubernetes operator to manage RethinkDB clusters.
This Operator is built using the Operator SDK, which is part of the Operator Framework and manages one or more RethinkDB instances deployed on Kubernetes.
The first step is to deploy the RethinkDB Operator into the cluster where it
will watch for requests to create RethinkDBCluster
resources, much like the native
Kubernetes Deployment Controller watches for Deployment resource requests.
Deploy RethinkDB Operator
The deploy
directory contains the manifests needed to properly install the
Create the service account for the operator.
kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
Next, create the RBAC role and role-binding that grants the permissions necessary for the operator to function.
kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
Add the CRD to the cluster that defines the RethinkDB resource.
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/rethinkdb_v1alpha1_rethinkdbcluster_crd.yaml
Finally, deploy the operator into the cluster.
$ kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
You can watch the list of pods and wait until the Operator pod is in a Running state, it should not take long.
kubectl get pods -wl name=rethinkdb-operator
You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.
kubectl logs -l name=rethinkdb-operator
Once the RethinkDB Operator is deployed, Have a look in the examples
for example manifests that create RethinkDB
Create RethinkDB Cluster
Once the Operator is deployed and running, we can create an example RethinkDB
cluster. The example
directory contains several example manifests for creating
RethinkDB clusters using the Operator.
kubectl apply -f example/rethinkdb-minimal.yaml
Watch the list of pods to see that each requested node starts successfully.
kubectl get pods -wl cluster=rethinkdb-minimal-example
Destroy RethinkDB Cluster
Simply delete the RethinkDB
Custom Resource to remove the cluster.
kubectl delete -f example/rethinkdb-minimal.yaml
Persistent Volumes
The RethinkDB Operator supports the use of Persistent Volumes for each node in the RethinkDB cluster. See rethinkdb-custom.yaml for the syntax to enable.
kubectl apply -f example/rethinkdb-custom.yaml
When deleting a RethinkDB cluster that uses Persistent Volumes, remember to remove the left-over volumes when the cluster is no longer needed, as these will not be removed automatically.
kubectl delete rethinkdbcluster,pvc -l cluster=rethinkdb-custom-example
Test Connection
You can spin up a simple client Pod to test accessing the cluster. The following code will list the
names of each node in the cluster. See the full client in the examples
r = require('rethinkdb');
fs = require('fs');
const SERVER_HOST = 'rethinkdb-minimal-example.default.svc.cluster.local';
const SERVER_PORT = 28015;
const SERVER_TIMEOUT = 10;
const SERVER_PASSWORD = fs.readFileSync('/etc/rethinkdb/credentials/admin-password', 'utf8');
ssl: {
'ca': fs.readFileSync('/etc/rethinkdb/tls/ca.crt', 'utf8'),
'cert': fs.readFileSync('/etc/rethinkdb/tls/client.crt', 'utf8'),
'key': fs.readFileSync('/etc/rethinkdb/tls/client.key', 'utf8')
}, function (err, conn) {
if (err) throw err;
r.db('rethinkdb').table('server_status').pluck('name').run(conn, function (err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
res.toArray(function (err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
Local development is usually done with minikube or minishift.
When using minikube for local development and testing, it may be necessary to increase the resources for the minikube VM.
minikube start --cpus 2 --memory 8192 --disk-size 40g
Source Code
Clone the repository to a location on your workstation, generally this should be in someplace like $GOPATH/src/
Navigate to the location where the repository has been cloned and install the dependencies.
dep ensure && dep status
Run Locally
Once the dependencies are present, ensure the service account, role, role binding and CRD are added to your local cluster.
kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/rethinkdb_v1alpha1_rethinkdbcluster_crd.yaml
Once the CRD is present, we can start the operator locally and begin development.
operator-sdk up local --namespace default
You can now create a RethinkDB resource to test your changes.
kubectl create -f example/rethinkdb-minimal.yaml
Keep in mind that when you make changes to the code, you must restart the operator. Use Ctrl+c
to kill the process and restart.
See the Changelog for the detail on what changed with each release.
RethinkDB Operator is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.