simplifyEnrichment copied to clipboard
Error in simplifyGOFromMultipleLists
Great jobs!Recently i txt the example but i found a unexpected bug as follow: Code: simplifyGOFromMultipleLists(lt, padj_cutoff = 0.001) Bug: Error in anno_block(width = unit(1.2, "cm"), panel_fun = function(index) grid.text(qq("Number of significant GO terms in each cluster (padj < @{padj_cutoff})"), : unused argument (panel_fun = function(index) grid.text(qq("Number of significant GO terms in each cluster (padj < @{padj_cutoff})"), unit(0, "npc"), 0.5, just = "top", rot = 90, gp = gpar(fontsize = 10)))
Could you please provide some help?Thanks.
Maybe you need to update ComplexHeatmap package from GitHub.
Thanks!!! Problem solved.