ComplexHeatmap copied to clipboard
anno_link() align_to wrong shifted
Using the R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) and the Complex Heatmap 2.10.0, following the example from
m = matrix(rnorm(100*10), nrow = 100)
subgroup = sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1, 5, 10))
rg = range(m)
panel_fun = function(index, nm) {
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = rg, yscale = c(0, 2)))
grid.xaxis(gp = gpar(fontsize = 8))
grid.boxplot(m[index, ], pos = 1, direction = "horizontal")
anno = anno_link(align_to = subgroup, which = "row", panel_fun = panel_fun,
size = unit(2, "cm"), gap = unit(1, "cm"), width = unit(4, "cm"))
Heatmap(m, name = "mat", right_annotation = rowAnnotation(foo = anno), row_split = subgroup)
it should plot the following heatmap:
However, I obtained shifted boxes for the annotation boxplot. See following image remaked in red where the boxes are shifted:
FYI. I found out that when you save it in .svg, it automatically aligns correctly.
Did you see any information from the terminal? Or did you manually change the graphical window size, e.g. by dragging it?