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ScalaJS binding for AngularJS.
Scala.js Bindings for AngularJS
News (30.03.16): scalajs-angulate 0.2.4 has been released! Please consult the release notes for a list of changes since version 0.1. There is also a page with currently known problems & limitations.
This library only provides bindings to Angular 1.x. Support for Angular 2 is provided by angulate2.
- SBT settings
- Modules
- Controllers
- Dependency Injection
- Services
- Directives
- Filters
Other enhancements
- HttpService
- Components
scalajs-angulate is a small library to simplify developing AngularJS applications in Scala (via Scala.js). To this end it provides:
- façade traits for the Angular core API
- macros for defining controllers, services and directives in a more natural Scala style.
There is a complete example implementing the TodoMVC with scalajs-angulate.
How to Use
SBT Settings
Add the following lines to your sbt
build definition:
libraryDependencies += "biz.enef" %%% "scalajs-angulate" % "0.2.4"
scalajs-angulate 0.2.4 requires Scala.js 0.6.8+
. The last version compatible with Scala.js 0.6.3
is 0.2.3
If you want to test the latest snapshot, change the version to 0.3-SNAPSHOT
and add the Sonatype snapshots repository to your build.sbt
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
Defining a Module
import biz.enef.angulate._
import biz.enef.angulate.core.HttpService
import biz.enef.angulate.ext.{Route, RouteProvider}
val module = angular.createModule("app", Seq("ui.bootstrap","ngRoute"))
// - or, setting the service name explicitly:
// module.serviceOf[UserService]("uservice")
// - or, setting the controller name explicitly:
// module.controllerOf[UserCtrl]("Users")
// - or, setting the directive name explicitly:
// module.directiveOf[UserDirective]("person")
module.config( ($routeProvider:RouteProvider) => {
when("/user/:id", Route( templateUrl = "/tpl/userDetails.html" )).
otherwise( Route( redirectTo = "/" ) )
}) initApp _ )
def initApp($http: HttpService) = ...
scalajs-angulate provides macros to allow using plain scala classes as Angular controllers. Two flavors are currently supported:
Body Scope controllers, extending
Controllers with explicit scope, extending
Both flavors support constructor dependency injection.
Body Scope Controllers
Classes extending Controller
export all their public var
s, val
s and def
s into the controller scope.
Defining a custom Scope
type is not required. However, instantiating the controller in the template requires the new AngularJS as
val module = angular.createModule("counter")
class CounterCtrl extends Controller {
var count = 0
def inc() = count += 1
def dec() = count -= 1
// private properties and functions are not exported to the controller scope
private def foo() : Unit = ...
<html ng-app="counter">
<div ng-controller="App.CounterCtrl as ctrl">
Count: {{ctrl.count}} <button ng-click="">+</button> <button ng-click="ctrl.dec()">–</button>
<!-- ... -->
If you need access to the AngularJS $scope
object, just inject it into the constructor:
class Ctrl($scope: Scope) extends Controller {
$scope.$watch( /* ... */ )
Note: the $scope
injected into the controller in the example above, is not the scope avaliable in the template and does not have the public members of the controller class. So, if you want to watch on a member defined in your controller, you'll have to do it this way:
class Ctrl($scope: Scope) extends Controller {
var count = 0
$ () => count, (cnt: Int) =>
/* code to be executed when count changes (don't forget to $digest...) */
Controllers with explicit Scope
Classes extending ScopeController
are "old-style" AngularJS controllers, where the scope available in the template must be injected explicitly:
val module = angular.createModule("counter")
/* Option A: using a custom defined Scope type */
trait CounterScope extends Scope {
var count : Int = js.native
var inc : js.Function = js.native
var dec : js.Function = js.native
class CounterCtrl($scope: CounterScope) extends ScopeController {
$scope.count = 0
$ = () => $scope.count += 1
$scope.dec = () => $scope.count -= 1
/* Option B: without explicit Scope type (using js.Dynamic instead) */
class DynamicCounterCtrl($scope: js.Dynamic) extends ScopeController {
$scope.count = 0
$ = () => $scope.count += 1
$scope.dec = () => $scope.count -= 1
<html ng-app="counter">
<div ng-controller="App.CounterCtrl">
Count: {{count}} <button ng-click="inc()">+</button> <button ng-click="dec()">–</button>
<!-- ... -->
Dependency Injection
scalajs-angulate supports constructor dependency injection of Angular services into controllers, services and directives:
class UserCtrl($http: HttpService) extends Controller {
/* ... */
$http.get("/rest/users").onSuccess{ res => ... }
the Angular $http
service will be injected during Controller instantiation; no annotations or additional traits are required, as long as the parameter name in the constructor matches the name of the service to be injected (don't worry about JS minification, the macro translates the constructor into a String-based DI array).
If you cannot or don't want to use the service name as parameter name, you can define the service to be injected explicitly with the @named
class UserCtrl(@named("$http") httpService: HttpService) extends Controller {
/* ... */
DI is also supported for functions passed to methods such as Module.config()
module.configFn( ($routeProvider: RouteProvider) => {
/* ... */
// -- or --
def routing($routeProvider: RouteProvider) = $routeProvider.when( /* ... */ )
module.configFn( routing _ )
However, the @named
annotation is not supported for function DI, i.e. the parameter names must match the services to be injected for this to work.
Functions are implicitely converted to AnnotatedFunction which transform the function into an array following the Inline Array Annotation. You can use this to declare the function in one place and use it in another:
val configFn: AnnotatedFunction = ($logProvider: js.Dynamic) => {
/* ... */
val module = angular.createModule("app", Nil, configFn)
Services can be implemented as plain classes extending the Service
trait. As with controllers,
constructor based dependency injection is supported:
class UserService($http: HttpService) extends Service {
def getUsers() : HttpPromise = $http.get("/rest/users/")
// registers the service with the name 'userService'
// -- or --
// registers the service with the name 'users'
class UserCtrl(userService: UserService) extends Controller {
/* ... */
If no explicit service name is provided to serviceOf[Service]
, then the class name will be used as service name,
with the first letter in lower case (to support derivation of dependencies from argument names, which begin with a lower case letter by convention).
Note: This section describes the directive API provided by scalajs-angulate 0.2.
To implement an AngularJS directive, create a class extending Directive
and override all members you want to define on the directive definition object:
class HelloUserDirective($animate: AnimationService) extends Directive {
// the type of the scope object passed to postLink() and controller()
override type ScopeType = js.Dynamic
// the type of the controller instance passed to postLink() and controller()
override type ControllerType = HelloUserCtrl
override val restrict = "E"
override val transclude = false
override val template = """<div>Hello {{user}}><div>"""
// -- or --
// override def template(element,attrs) = ...
// -- or --
// override val templateUrl = "/url"
// -- or --
// override def templateUrl(element,attrs) = ...
override val isolateScope = js.Dictionary( "user" -> "@" )
// -- or --
// override val scope = true
override def postLink(scope: ScopeType,
element: JQLite,
attrs: Attributes,
controller: ControllerType) = ...
// override def compile(tElement: js.Dynamic, tAttrs: Attributes) : js.Any = ...
// defines the directive under the name "helloUser"
// -- or --
// module.directiveOf[HelloUserDirective]("sayHello")
If you need access to the AngularJS $compile
function, just inject it into the directive constructor:
class MyDirective($compile: Compile) extends Directive {
override def postLink(scope: ScopeType,
element: JQLite,
attrs: Attributes,
controller: ControllerType) : Unit = {
val tpl = $compile( /* ... */ )
/* ... */
If you need to define properties or methods on the directive controller or scope, you can do so in the controller
trait UserDirectiveCtrl extends js.Object {
var greet: js.Function = js.native
class UserDirective extends Directive {
override type ScopeType = js.Dynamic
override def controller(ctrl: ControllerType,
scope: ScopeType,
elem: JQLite,
attrs: Attributes) : Unit = {
scope.greeting = "Hello"
To implement an AngularJS filter, create a module and call filter
class GreetService {
def greet(name: String): String = s"Hello $name"
module.filter("greet",(greetService: GreetService) => {
((name:String) => {
Note: In the current version you need to create two AnnotatedFunction
's where the inner one needs to explicitly converted to a js.Function
Other enhancements
This section gives an overview over the enhancements to AngularJS core modules provided by angulate.
The API of the AngularJS $http
service is provided by the trait biz.enef.angulate.core.HttpService
The get
, put
, post
and delete
functions on this trait are enhanced with a type parameter that allows to specific the expected return type of the response. Furthermore, these functions return an instance of HttpPromise[T]
which is a representaion Angular's http promise object with the following additional functions:
trait HttpPromise[T] extends js.Object {
/* ... (API provided by AngularJS) */
def onComplete(f: Try[T] => Unit) : HttpPromise[T]
def onSuccess(f: T => Unit) : HttpPromise[T]
def onFailure(f: (HttpError) => Unit) : HttpPromise[T]
def map[U](f: T => U) : HttpPromise[U]
// transforms this HttpPromise into a standard Scala Future
def future: Future[T]
Calls to onComplete
, onSuccess
, and onFailure
are translated into calls to success
and error
of the AngularJS HttpPromise API.
trait User extends js.Object {
var id: Int = js.native
var name: String = js.native
class UserService($http: HttpService) extends Service {
def getAll() : HttpPromise[js.Array[User]] = $http.get("/users")
class UserCtrl(userService: UserService) extends Controller {
var users = js.Array[User]()
def readAll() : Unit = userService.getAll onComplete {
case Success(data) => users = data
case Failure(ex) => handleError(ex)
def handleError(ex: Throwable) = ...
Starting with version 0.2
, Angulate has limited support for Angular2-style components. An angulate component is just a plain scala class annotated with @Component()
; all public members defined in the class are then accessible from the component's template:
import biz.enef.angulate._
selector = "counter", // component name (i.e. the HTML tag)
template = """{{count}} <button ng-click="inc()">+</button> <button ng-click="dec()">-</button>""",
// - or -
// templateUrl = "counter.html"
bind = js.Dictionary(
"init" -> "@" // assign the value of the DOM attribute 'init' to the class property with the same name
class Counter {
var count = 0
def init = ???
// called with the value of the DOM attribute 'init'
def init_=(s: String) = count = s.toInt
def inc() = count += 1
def dec() = count -= 1
val module = angulate.createModule("foo")
The component can then be used as a custom HTML tag:
<counter init="42" />
This code is open source software licensed under the MIT License