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Standalone Go implementation of Metasploit's "db_nmap" and "db_import" commands.


db_nmap and db_import are glue commands between Nmap and Metasploit:

  • db_nmap is a wrapper around Nmap that inserts Nmap's results into the Metasploit PostgreSQL database, right after they are finished scanning.
  • db_import is a standalone program that takes an Nmap result XML document and inserts the results into the Metasploit PostgreSQL daabase.

After importing the results, they can be inspected with the Metasploit console commands services and hosts.

Both commands are actually standalone implementations of the corresponding commands in Metasploit, which are documented here (db_nmap) and here (db_import).


On my local system, I am currently only running a PostgreSQL database (for Metasploit). I can scan localhost with the following command:

$ db_nmap -sV
INFO[2021-10-19 18:47:52] Connected to Metasploit PostgreSQL database "msf" at as user "jonas"
DEBU[2021-10-19 18:47:52] ID of Metasploit workspace "default": 1
DEBU[2021-10-19 18:47:52] Running "/usr/bin/nmap -sV -oX /dev/fd/3" ...
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-10-19 18:47 CEST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.0000040s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed tcp ports (reset)
5432/tcp open postgresql PostgreSQL DB 9.6.0 or later
1 service unrecognized despite returning data. [...]

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.48 seconds
DEBU[2021-10-19 18:47:59] Inserted/updated host (localhost).
DEBU[2021-10-19 18:47:59] Inserted/updated service tcp:5432 (PostgreSQL DB).
DEBU[2021-10-19 18:47:59] XML document complete.
INFO[2021-10-19 18:47:59] Wrapper stats: registered 1 hosts with 1 services.

Note that db_nmap used the nmap command found in my PATH. After scanning, the results can be retrieved from the Metasploit database:

$ msfconsole

msf6 > hosts -c address,name


address    name
-------    ----  localhost

msf6 > services

host       port  proto  name        state  info
----       ----  -----  ----        -----  ----  5432  tcp    postgresql  open   PostgreSQL DB

Passing options

Options, such as the database host, port, user and password can be passed through PostgreSQL's default environment variables documented here, e.g.:

$ PGUSER=metasploit PGPASSWORD=secret db_nmap -sV

In addition, the Metasploit workspace name can be set with the environment variable MSF_WORKSPACE (default: default):

$ MSF_WORKSPACE=project2 db_nmap -sV


The project is implemented in Go and can be built as follows:

go build ./cmd/db_nmap
go build ./cmd/db_import