Something as simple as a flashing background on the timer when the time is getting low would make a world of difference!
Sorry, I'll try and trim it down into a minimal example.
@Andarist okay, here's a minimal example. Simple machine factory function ([which I've been told is a pattern that is encourage]( Works fine in the online viz, but in vscode if...
I'm guessing dots are a pretty fundamental part of how intellisense decides that you've finished typing one token and are starting a new one.. I wonder if we could, in...
Okay, so tried a different polyfilling approach using `http-browserify` aliased to `http`. Now I get this error: Is there a different polyfilling approach I should be using perhaps?
> First i would like to know which items are currently displayed on the screen I'm interested in this too. I'm guessing the only way is to iterate over all...
@kfsz that's awesome, thank you! Didn't know item had that `_element` property. I'm still not completely clear what `visibleCollection` contains. I _think_ it's all elements that have at some point...
@kfsz thanks for clearing that up for me! I guess the advantage of finding the elements via the DOM is I can ignore all images that aren't in the first...
@PowerKiKi even better! Thanks, I didn't know you could do all those things with options.
What's the status of this?