ppx_blob icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ppx_blob copied to clipboard

OCaml ppx to include binary data from a file as a string


OCaml ppx to include a binary blob from a file as a string. Writing [%blob "filename"] will replace the string with the contents of the file at compile time. This allows the inclusion of arbitrary, possibly compressed, data, without the need to respect OCaml's lexical conventions.

The filename can be relative to either the source file where [%blob] appears, or relative to the current working directory. If both files exist, the former takes precedence.

To build

Requires OCaml 4.02 or above.

Run make in the top directory. Then run make in the examples directory. Now run the quine executable.

To install

Run make install in the top directory once make has been run.

Integration with build systems


Add (preprocessor_deps filename) to your filename stanza. See https://github.com/johnwhitington/ppx_blob/tree/master/test for an example. This will make sure the file is copied to the build directory and therefore visible to ppx_blob.