lein-datomic copied to clipboard
Simple Leinengen plugin to help with creating, populating and connecting to Datomic instances.
This is a very basic Leiningen plugin to start a Datomic transactor and (re-)initialize the database with a schema based on project settings.
Put [lein-datomic "0.2.0"]
into the :plugins
vector of your
profile, or if you are on Leiningen 1.x do lein plugin install lein-datomic 0.2.0
You will need to download a zip from Datomic and extract it. This extraction location is your :install-location.
Next you'll need to configure your :user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj to add a :datomic key to a map with an :install-location like so:
{:plugins [[lein-datomic "0.2.0"]]
:datomic {:install-location "/path/to/your/install/dir/datomic-free-0.8.3619"}}}
In your project, add a configuration like:
(defproject ...
:datomic {:schemas ["resources/schema" ["my-schema.edn"
:profiles {:dev
{:datomic {:config "resources/free-transactor-template.properties"
:db-uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/my-db"}}})
Now you're ready to start a transactor and load up your schemas and initial data:
$ lein datomic start &
$ lein datomic initialize #this requires a running transactor
Copyright © 2012 Wayne Rittimann, Jr.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.