Angular-Passport-Auth-SIO copied to clipboard
Access Passport.js user information from connection using angular as client. Angular-Passport-Auth-SIO
This is a fork from the following
Major League help from Michael Robinson at faceleg
This is a complete demonstration of, passport, passport.socketio, firebird sql and angular.
I've included all the code for those it might help.
To install in windows from command prompt
md nodedemo
cd nodedemo
git clone
npm install
node server
install firebird and copy from adjuster.gdb from \database to wherever desired and change \Angular-Passport-Auth-SIO\server\models\cfg\cfg.json
in browser http://localhost:8000
[Firebird] ( ( open source sql database and can easily be replaced by mysql.
[] Henri Gourvest essential repo for using node with firebird
I use the database for local authentication (see \Server\Models\User.js)
socket.js uses the authenication credentials to bring only the data for logged in user. See \Server\socket.js and Usage
I will refactor this code asap to make it more efficient
After installing copy the ADJUSTER.GDB database to desired directory, make sure firebird service is running and change path on the "database" line in server / models / cfg / cfg.json file.
socket.on('getclaims', function (data) {
var user = socket.handshake.session;//.user_id;
var adj = user.req.session.req.user.adjusterid; // added to passport
console.log('== get only open claims for authenticated useer ', adj)
qrystr = 'select CLAIM_ID "id", CLAIM_NO "title" , INSURED_ID, CLAIM_TYPE "type", ADJUSTER_ID, ACCOUNT_REP_ID "reporter" , INSURANCE_COMPANY_ID "assignee" , \
description,status "status", DATE_OF_LOSS, POLICY_NUMBER,REPORTED,RECOVERY_COMMENTS,RECEIVED from CLAIM where ADJUSTER_ID= ? and status = 1 ';
console.log('qrystr: ', qrystr, [adj ]);
database.execute(qrystr, [adj], function (err, results, fields) {
var jsondata = new Array();
wrapJson(results, fields, jsondata);
output = {"Claims": jsondata};
socket.emit('initclaims', output);
Thanks to all who helped.