Johnson Lee

Results 93 comments of Johnson Lee

I have tried putting `implementation 'org.eclipse.paho:org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3:1.2.5'` into for testing, unfortunately, this issue can not be reproduced, is it possible to provide a test repository for reproduction?

在 *build/intermediates/transform/booster/* 目录下搜索一下看看是否有 * MessageProvider.class* 这个类?有可能是以独立的 class 文件存在,或者是在 JAR 文件中: ```bash find build/intermediates/transform/booster/ -name 'MessageProvider.class' ``` 或者 ```bash find build/intermediates/transform/booster/ -name '*.jar' | xargs -t -I{} unzip -I {} |...


> 那这种情况可以解决吗 需要定位到是什么原因

`VariantProcessor` 注入外部库更妙


Please provide us with the following information: - OS version - Gradle (wrapper) version - Android gradle plugin version - Booster version