icnfnt copied to clipboard
.eot file was broken
generated font files worked fine in firefox, chrome, and ie9 but in ie8 it gave the following error: CSS3111: @font-face encountered unknown error
as explained here http://www.marinbezhanov.com/web-development/16/how-to-embed-webfonts-properly-and-how-to-solve-the-ambiguous-css3111-font-face-encountered-unknown-error/ i have converted ttf file to eot by http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator and it solved the problem...
Thanks for the heads up! We'll take a look!
I realised the eot file was corrupt when I replaced it with the one that font awesome uses on their website. I tried using the fontsquirrel generator version (based on the ttf file) but it didn't work. I tried both lite and compressed versions of the EOT file (expert mode).
I'm not sure if the TTFPATCH is worthwhile. Is the font 'locked'?
I'm resorting to the full font spec for now. <= IE8 affected.
Sorry for the delay on this. I should be able to get a fix out soon.
IE7 and IE8 are both non functional due to the corrupted .eot file that is being generated.
Dudes. We totally got burned with this hard at work. Please, please, please fix it. The corrupt .eot files are not working in IE8.
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