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✨ A curated list of awesome learning collections on various topics.
📚 Awesome Learning Collections 📚
A curated list of awesome learning collections on various topics.
Built with ❤️ by John Paul Ada
- Motivation
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Web Development
- Software Development
- Languages
- Design
- Game Development
- Security
- Cryptocurrency
- Business
- Others
There are a lot of awesome learning collections out there and I've been having difficulty in keeping them in one place. So I will curate them here so other people can see and contribute to this. Whenever I encounter an awesome learning collection, I'll add it here.
Computer Science
- Google Tech Dev Guide - Grow Your Technical Skills with Google.
- Coding Interview University - A pretty comprehensive checklist of things to learn and review to prepare for a coding interview.
- Open Source Society University Computer Science Path - Teach yourself Computer Science without spending a dime.
- Computer Science Courses with Video Lectures - List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
- Tech Interview Megarepo - Study materials for technical interviews.
- Lib4Dev Algorithms Topic - Algorithm-related repos on GitHub listed by Lib4Dev.
- Visualgo - Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation.
- Khan Academy Computing Courses - A couple of free courses on Computing by Khan Academy.
- The Bit Theories - 3-minute computer science reads.
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces - Free book on Operating Systems.
- Computer Science: A Full Bachelor Curriculum - This board is a collection of free online courses that will provide you with the same knowledge that you would otherwise receive by earning a full Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from one of the top technical universities in the world.
- Interviews - Everything you need to get the job.
- Awesome Computer Science Opportunities - An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students.
- Tech Interview Handbook - Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview.
- Minimal Python DS & Algorithms - Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python.
- Interactive Coding Challenges - Interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures).
- Data Structures and Algorithms Problems - A list of DS and algorithm problems you can do in any language.
- Competitive Programming Curriculum - A list of resources for learning competitive programming.
- Competitive Programming Worksheet - A spreadsheet with exercises and learning resources for competitive programming.
- Base CS - Exploring the basics of computer science, every Monday, for a year.
- Cosmos - Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter
- AlgoWiki - Repository which contains links and resources on different topics of Computer Science.
- Geeks For Geeks - A computer science portal for geeks.
- Algorithms, etc. - Algorithms notes by Jeff Erickson.
- Coding Interview Topic on Github
- Competitive Programming Topic on Github
- Interview repo by @andreis - Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview.
- Interview Topic on Github
- Algorithm Topic on Github
- CS Dojo - Learning CS concepts and coding interviews from YK Sugishita.
- Operating Systems: From 0 to 1 - Bootstrap yourself to write an OS from scratch. A book for self-learner.
- SICP Course - Self-paced course on Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
- Algorithms - Solved algorithms and data structures problems in many languages.
- Learn Computer Science in 5 Months - This is the Curriculum for "Learn Computer Science in 5 Months" By Siraj Raval on Youtube.
- Javascript Algorithms - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
- Learn Math Fast - This is the Curriculum for "How to Learn Mathematics Fast" By Siraj Raval on Youtube.
Data Science
- My Alcamy Data Science Library - An Alcamy library for learning data science, curated by me.
- Open Source Society University Data Science Path - Teach yourself Data Science without spending a dime!
- Awesome Data Science - A curated list of resources for learning Data Science.
- Deep Learning Tutorials - A collection of PowerPoint presentations about deep learning.
- TensorFlow World Resources - Organized & Useful Resources about Deep Learning with TensorFlow.
- Machine Learning for Software Engineers - A practical approach to machine learning.
- Data Science Cheatsheets - Learn data science tools by checking out these cheatsheets.
- Kaggle Learn - Learn Hands-On Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and more!
- Learn with Google AI - Educational resources from machine learning experts at Google.
- - Practical Deep Learning For Coders - Learn how to build state of the art models without needing graduate-level math—but also without dumbing anything down.
- - Cutting Edge Deep Learning For Coders - Learn the latest developments in deep learning, how to read and implement new academic papers, and how to solve challenging end-to-end problems such as natual language translation.
- Rahul Kumar's Awesome AI Bookmarks - Curated list of my reads, implementations and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning by best folk in the world.
- Practical PyTorch - PyTorch tutorials demonstrating modern techniques with readable code.
- Facebook AI - Facebook's AI Tools.
Web Development
- Frontend Development Bookmarks - A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
- What Do I Need to Know to Ace a JavaScript Interview? - A collection of resources for learning JS to ace an interview.
- Frontend Dev Bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- Frontend Dev Resources - List of useful resources for front end developers.
- BestOfJS Learning Resources - GitHub repos for JavaScript learning.
- JS Stack from Scratch - Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
- 20+ Docs and Guides for Front End Developers Series - Exactly as the name sounds. Also contains links to the previous articles of the series.
- AWS Open Guide - A practical guide to AWS.
- Search Engineering Open Guide - A practical guide to search engineering.
- HTML Reference - A free guide to HTML.
- CSS Reference - A free guide to CSS.
- Web Design in 4 Minutes - A short interactive tutorial that teaches web design.
- PHP: The Right Way - A collection of PHP best practices.
- W3Schools How Tos - Collection of tutorials by W3Schools.
- Upskill Essential Web Development Course - Learn to build full stack web apps for free.
- Frontend Developer Interview Questions - Ace your frontend developer interview by reviewing these questions.
- Mozilla Developer Network Docs - Resources for developers, by developers.
- 30 Seconds of Code - Curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- Best of JS - Check out the most popular open-source projects and the latest trends about the web platform and node.js.
- Spellbook for Modern Web Dev - A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development.
- Web Developer Roadmap - Roadmap to becoming a web developer.
- Modern Javascript Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
- Grab Frontend Guide - Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
- Interneting Is Hard But It Doesn't Have To Be - Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners for Free.
- Exploring JS - In-depth online books on JavaScript by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer. Free as in beer.
- ES6 Katas - Learn ES6 by doing it. Fix failing tests. Keep all learnings.
- React Bots - A compilation of React Patterns, techniques, tips and tricks.
- Front End Interview Handbook - Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- You Don't Know JS - This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.
- Glitch Web Starter Kit - A free, 4-part video course with interactive code examples to learn to make a website using HTML, JS, CSS and Node.js.
- Glitch React Starter Kit - A free, 5-part video course with interactive code examples that will help you learn React.
- Front-End-Wizard - A collection of front end resources, tutorials, codepens and articles.
- Modern JavaScript - How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.
- Cloud Native Landscape - All the popular software for working in the cloud.
- HEAD - A free guide to elements.
- Front End Checklist - The Front-End Checklist Application is perfect for modern websites and meticulous developers!
- Frontend Performance Checklist - Improve your frontend web performance. Download PDF from the link.
- Awesome Prisma - An awesome collection of Prisma resources from the GraphCool people themselves.
- Real World Apps - See how the exact same clone (called Conduit) is built using any of our supported frontends and backends. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all adhere to the same API spec 😮😎.
- Learn Storybook - Learn Storybook to create bulletproof UI components as you build an app UI from scratch.
- Frontend Masters' Frontend Handbook - This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development.
- RxJS Docs - A separate, pretty official RxJS docs website.
- Front-end Design Checklist - The Design Checklist for Creative Web Designers and Patient Front-End Developers.
- Node Best Practices - A list of best practices in Node and its ecosystem.
Software Development
- How to be a Programmer - Learn how to be a programmer with this collection of resources.
- FreeCodeCamp Guides - Articles about programming from FreeCodeCamp and the community.
- Lib4Dev Books - Books hosted on GitHub listed by Lib4Dev.
- GitHub Collections - Curated lists and insight into burgeoning industries, topics, and communities.
- Github Topics - A list of top topics and their corresponding resources on GitHub.
- One Click to be Pro - A list of the best resources to help you become a pro.
- QuickCode - A list of free courses to learn any programming language.
- DevFreeBooks - A collection of free books for developers.
- Goal Kicker Free Programming Books - Programming Notes for Professionals books.
- Awesome List of Top Github Repos - Curated List of Awesome Github Topics.
- Programmer Competency Matrix - A quick check of your skills as a programmer.
- Ebook Foundation Free Programming Books - A list of freely available programming books.
- You Don't Need Github Repo - A collection of You Don't Need repos like You Don't Need Javascript.
- Viking Code School Prep - Everything you need to begin a career in software engineering. 100% Free.
- Enlight - Learn to program by building projects.
- Linux Journey - Learn the ways of Linux-fu, for free.
- Exercism - Level up your programming skills by solving problems in over 30 languages.
- Google Codelabs - Step by step coding guides from Google.
- - is an easy way to browse curated lists on GitHub.
- Public APIs - A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
- Best websites a programmer should visit - Some useful websites for programmers.
- Rico's Cheatsheets - A bunch of beautiful cheatsheets.
- Learn X in Y Minutes - Learn most of a language's syntax in one program.
- Hackr - Find the Best programming Courses & Tutorials.
- Daily Programmer on Reddit - Great daily programmer challenges on Reddit.
- Design Patterns for Humans - Learn design patterns without the blood, sweat, and tears.
- Mega Project List - A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
- Every Programmer Should Know - A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know.
- Codemy - Our goal is to provide quality, free and / or highly accessible content that anyone can use to build or grow their skills.
- Essential Image Optimization - A modern guide to image optimization.
- Back-End Developmer Interview Questions - A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- Awesome Cheatsheets - Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools.
- iOS Developer Roadmap - Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
- Exercises in Programming Style - Comprehensive collection of programming styles using a simple computational task, term frequency.
- Kubernetes Challenges - Challenge your Kubernetes prowess.
- The Bash Guide - A quality-driven guide through the shell's many features.
- Build your own X - Build your own language, server, database, etc. in order to understand them.
- JavaScript Algorithms - Implementation of famous CS data structures and algorithms in JavaScript.
- Play With Kubernetes Classroom - The Play with Kubernetes classroom is a new site provided by Docker that helps you get hands-on experience using Kubernetes.
- Interview Map - A comprehensive mind map that can help you make a better preparation for the next interview.
- System Design Primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
- Gopher Reading List - A curated selection of blog posts on Go.
- Go Performance Book - Thoughts on Go performance optimization.
- 30 Seconds of Python Code - Python implementation of 30-seconds-of-code.
- 30 Seconds of Java - Curated collection of useful little Java functions that you can understand quickly.
- Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet - A pretty comprehensive Python usage cheatsheet without all the noise.
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Go - Exactly what it says.
- Go Styleguide - Opinionated Styleguide for the Go language.
- Go 101 - Learn Go.
- Gophercises - Coding exercises for budding Gophers.
- Just for Func - A YouTube channel dedicated to Go programming.
- Try Haskell - Learn Haskell interactively in 5 minutes.
- Project-based Learning - Learn languages by building projects.
- - An unofficial guide to ClojureScript.
- Project-based Learning in C - Learn C by building projects.
- UI Patterns - Great collection of UI design patterns and when to use them.
- Good User Interface - What makes a good user interface?
- CSS Grid - Learn CSS Grid with Wes Bos in 25 pretty good videos.
Game Development
- Game Programming Patterns - A collection of game programming patterns.
- Amit's Game Programming Info - Game Programming Gems.
- SecurityTube - YouTube for Computer Security Videos
- Infosec_Reference - An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck.
- Hacker 101 - Hacker101 is a free class for web security.
- Awesome Hacking - A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers.
- Free Security Books - Free Security and Hacking eBooks.
- Cryptominded - A curated directory of the best cryptocurrency resources.
- CryptoList - Curated collection of blockchain & cryptocurrency resources.
- Learn Blockchain in 2 months - Learn Blockchain in 2 months.
- Buffer's Social Media Academy - Up your social media marketing game, one article at a time.
- Marketing for Engineers - A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
- Google Primer - Bite-sized lessons to better your business.
- Grow with Google - Free training, tools, and events to help you grow your skills, career, or business.
- Classroomies - Watch & discuss pre-recorded Startup & CS lectures from Stanford together, in real-time.
- Where is Sci-Hub? - Tells you where Sci-Hub is hosted right now.
- Learrrn - A curated list of hand-picked learning resources.
- Explorable Explanations - A collection of interactive learning resources.
- Athena - Athena is a community-curated repository of 🔥 learning resources.
- Learn Anything - the platform for knowledge discovery that helps you understand any topic through the most efficient paths, as voted by the community.
- Pretty Awesome Lists - A pretty collection of awesome lists.
- Courseroot - The biggest database of online courses for you to filter through based on price, difficulty, certificate quality, and more.
- YouTube Creator Academy - Learn how to be a great YouTube content creator.
- Product Hunt Curated Resources - Curated resource lists showcased in Product Hunt.
- Wisdom Curated - A curated list of learning resources about life.
- Boundless - Free legit textbooks.
- Warren - A curated list of rabbitholes.
- Ivy League MOOCs - A collection of free courses from Ivy League Universities.
- Bookicious Collections - Book recommendations of famous tech giant founders and CEOs.
- Bookcelerator - Top books that will make you smarter.
- LightNote - Interactive music theory lessons.
- Wikibooks by Subject - Free books on different subjects.
- 150+ Educational Websites form Lifelong Learners - A list of learning websites.
- Physics Travel Guide - The Physics Travel Guide is a tool that makes learning physics easier.
- Awesome Checklist Checklist - A Curated List of Checklists.
- Mind Expanding Books - Books that will blow your mind.