hottowel-angular-typescript copied to clipboard
Unknown provider: routerHelperProvider <- routerHelper
When I try this out-of-the-box, it runs okay, but this test fails:
[1APhantomJS 1.9.7 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) layout sidebar "before each" hook FAILED
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: routerHelperProvider <- routerHelper$injector/unpr?p0=routerHelperProvider%20%3C-%20routerHelper
at ...project-path.../bower_components/angular/angular.js:4031
at getService (...project-path.../bower_components/angular/angular.js:4178)
at ...project-path.../bower_components/angular/angular.js:4036
at getService (...project-path.../bower_components/angular/angular.js:4178)
at ...project-path.../bower_components/bardjs/dist/bard.js:301
at forEach (...project-path.../bower_components/angular/angular.js:326)
at bardInject (...project-path.../bower_components/bardjs/dist/bard.js:315)
at ...project-path.../src/client/app/layout/sidebar.controller.spec.js:13
If I comment out references to routerHelper in src/client/app/layout/sidebar.controller.spec.js, the tests pass fine. Is this method deprecated?
I'm currently getting this issue when trying to run the core.route.spec tests.
i get the same issue - any update on this?
I think there was a breaking change to the application. The sidebar.controller.spec.js is trying to call routerHelp.configureStates. However, routerHelper has no function configureStates. Instead, configureStates exists in each of the other modules router configurations. I am speculating that this was the start of a refactor to only have one configureStates function, but the completed refactor did not get into the repo. Looking to complete the refactor.
I think you need to add to project module app/blocks/router (router.module.js, router-helper.provider.js)
My app module
angular.module('app', [ 'blocks.router', 'ui.router', 'app.purchase.list' ]);
It's works for me.
you might need too add 'app.core' on your module dependencies