Pitaya copied to clipboard
Unable to use Pitaya's carthage installation with Xcode 8.3
Getting following compile time error:
Module compiled with Swift 3.0.2 cannot be imported in Swift 3.1: .../Carthage/Build/iOS/Pitaya.framework/Modules/Pitaya.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule
Have tried using the following terminal commands:
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
Carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries --toolchain com.apple.dt.toolchain.Swift_3_1
Also tried removing derived data and installing the framework again.
Branch: Swift3
Cart file text: github "JohnLui/Pitaya" "swift3"
Xcode version: 8.3
Only able to use Pitaya in above scenario, if it is first compiled as a library project and then the framework product is imported as an embedded library.