Results 365 issues of felipe

``` Unable to find image 'harisekhon/pytools:latest' locally latest: Pulling from harisekhon/pytools d7bfe07ed847: Pull complete 7009757257ba: Pull complete 9a869f37ea40: Pull complete 3c12d5305d29: Pull complete 7c328aa7c63e: Pull complete 1aa9e44ca37a: Pull complete 4f4fb700ef54:...

npm i with 15 works but show this error: how solved?

Is possible contribute for translate to Spanish?


git clone cd handpose-facemesh-demos cd networked-hand-3js-tf174-handv1 openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem then npm install --global http-server http-server -S -C cert.pem next...

![SNAG-1209]( Im using extract all hard coded Now what is next movement?


Pls tell me if u share cheatsheet with all steps for deploy in a new Ubuntu 20 from scratch with domain and SSL Tnks


Pls tell me how can convert to contributor I want to translate to es, de and it my languages domain strings in Json or other formatting and MD or RST...