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Tips and tricks for using Epub.js

Epub.js Tips

Tips and tricks for using Epub.js

Works with Epub.js v0.3.

Note: all the snippets here assuems ePub, book = ePub(), and rendition = book.renderTo() in scope. We also make use of a debounce function, an implementation of which is:

const debounce = (f, wait, immediate) => {
    let timeout
    return (...args) => {
        const later = () => {
            timeout = null
            if (!immediate) f(...args)
        const callNow = immediate && !timeout
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
        if (callNow) f(...args)


Scroll through pages when using paginated layout

Handling horizontal scrolling means that you can use horizontal touchpad swipes to turn the pages.

const rtl = book.package.metadata.direction === 'rtl'
const goLeft = rtl ? () => rendition.next() : () => rendition.prev()
const goRight = rtl ? () => rendition.prev() : () => rendition.next()

const onwheel = debounce(event => {
    const { deltaX, deltaY } = event
    if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
        if (deltaX > 0) goRight()
        else if (deltaX < 0) goLeft()
    } else {
        if (deltaY > 0) rendition.next()
        else if (deltaY < 0) rendition.prev()
}, 100, true)
document.documentElement.onwheel = onwheel


Basic selection operations

const getSelections = () => rendition.getContents()
    .map(contents => contents.window.getSelection())

const clearSelection = () => getSelections().forEach(s => s.removeAllRanges())

const selectByCfi = cfi => getSelections().forEach(s => s.addRange(rendition.getRange(cfi)))

Get position of selected text

const getRect = (target, frame) => {
    const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect()
    const viewElementRect =
        frame ? frame.getBoundingClientRect() : { left: 0, top: 0 }
    const left = rect.left + viewElementRect.left
    const right = rect.right + viewElementRect.left
    const top = rect.top + viewElementRect.top
    const bottom = rect.bottom + viewElementRect.top
    return { left, right, top, bottom }

rendition.hooks.content.register((contents, /*view*/) => {
    const frame = contents.document.defaultView.frameElement
    contents.document.onclick = e => {
        const selection = contents.window.getSelection()
        const range = selection.getRangeAt(0)
        const { left, right, top, bottom } = getRect(range, frame)
        // Note: besides a range object, the same method can also be used to get the position of any element

Select across pages when using paginated layout

Go to the next page when selecting to the end of a page, this makes it possible for the user to select across multiple pages:

rendition.on('selected', debounce(cfiRange => {
    const selCfi = new ePub.CFI(cfiRange)
    const compare = CFI.compare(selCfi, rendition.location.end.cfi) >= 0
    if (compare) rendition.next()
}, 1000))

Working with CFIs

Get CFI from a link

const getCfiFromHref = async href => {
    const id = href.split('#')[1]
    const item = book.spine.get(href)
    await item.load(book.load.bind(book))
    const el = id ? item.document.getElementById(id) : item.document.body
    return item.cfiFromElement(el)

Get range CFI from two CFIs

// adapted from https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js/blob/be24ab8b39913ae06a80809523be41509a57894a/src/epubcfi.js#L502
const makeRangeCfi = (a, b) => {
    const start = CFI.parse(a), end = CFI.parse(b)
    const cfi = {
        range: true,
        base: start.base,
        path: {
            steps: [],
            terminal: null
        start: start.path,
        end: end.path
    const len = cfi.start.steps.length
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (CFI.equalStep(cfi.start.steps[i], cfi.end.steps[i])) {
            if (i == len - 1) {
                // Last step is equal, check terminals
                if (cfi.start.terminal === cfi.end.terminal) {
                    // CFI's are equal
                    // Not a range
                    cfi.range = false
            } else cfi.path.steps.push(cfi.start.steps[i])
        } else break
    cfi.start.steps = cfi.start.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length)
    cfi.end.steps = cfi.end.steps.slice(cfi.path.steps.length)

    return 'epubcfi(' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.base)
        + '!' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.path)
        + ',' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.start)
        + ',' + CFI.segmentString(cfi.end)
        + ')'


Re-render annotations

Annotations are often rendered wrong when, for example, the rendition is resized, or after applying a theme. The solution is to re-render them whenever any of that happens.

const redrawAnnotations = () =>
    rendition.views().forEach(view => view.pane ? view.pane.render() : null)

rendition.on('rendered', redrawAnnotations)

/* when applying themes */
function applyTheme(themeName, stylesheet) {
    rendition.themes.register(themeName, stylesheet)

Fix current location lost after resizing

To fix location drift when resizing multiple times in a row, we keep a location that doesn't change when rendition has just been resized. Then, when the resize is done, we correct the location with it. But this correction will itself trigger a relocated event, so we create a further correcting variable to track this.

let location
let justResized = false
let correcting = false
rendition.on('relocated', () => {
    // console.log('relocated')
    if (!justResized) {
        if (!correcting) {
            // console.log('real relocation')
            location = rendition.currentLocation().start.cfi
        } else {
            // console.log('corrected')
            correcting = false
    } else {
        // console.log('correcting')
        justResized = false
        correcting = true
rendition.on('resized', () => {
    // console.log('resized')
    justResized = true