vue-navigation-bar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-navigation-bar copied to clipboard

External Links

Open quackerjeff opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Can I point the brand-image to an external url? If so, any guidance here?
By the way, so far this is one of the most vue libs that has helped me save some time and effort.

quackerjeff avatar Aug 29 '22 23:08 quackerjeff

Hey there - glad the library helps.

For the brandImage pointing to an external URL - you'll want to use the brandImagePath. The thing is - the usage depends on whether you have isUsingVueRouter set to true or false.

If you are not using VueRouter - then just put a string there for the brandImagePath value:

brandImagePath: ''

That will work out of the box.

If you are using VueRouter - things get a bit more tricky, as the brand image is kinda tailor-made to work with the router at that point. I think there's some coding improvements to be done there. I'll assign this to myself and I'll get to it when I can.

For now, you can set:

brandImagePath: '#'

And then listen for the click event:

  methods: {
    vnbItemClicked(value) {
      if (value === 'brand-image') {
        // Put your link here
        window.location.href = "";

Sorry it's a bit hacky, but it'll work for now.

johndatserakis avatar Aug 30 '22 02:08 johndatserakis