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A package for creating and managing sample identifiers in comparative -omics datasets.

======= cual-id

|Build Status| |Coverage Status| |Conda Install|

Citing cual-id

Please cite this article if you use cual-id in any published work with the following citation:

cual-id: Globally Unique, Correctable, and Human-Friendly Sample Identifiers for Comparative Omics Studies John H. Chase, Evan Bolyen, Jai Ram Rideout, J. Gregory Caporaso
mSystems Dec 2015, 1 (1) e00010-15; DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00010-15

cual-id: Globally Unique, Correctable, and Human-Friendly Sample Identifiers for Comparative Omics Studies < />__.



We strongly recommend installing cual-id using Miniconda <>. which greatly simplifies Python package management. To do this, you should first choose which version of Miniconda to install from the install page <>. You can choose either the Python 2 or 3 version. After you've installed Miniconda, you should run:

.. code:: bash

conda create -c -n cual-id python=3 cual-id

After this completes (it should take less than a minute), you can activate your cual-id environment by running:

.. code:: bash

source activate cual-id

Then, to see the available cual-id commands, run:

.. code:: bash

cual-id --help


If you prefer to install with pip, and already have a Python 3 development environment configured, you can do this with the following command:

.. code:: bash

pip install cual-id


Activating your environment

If you installed cual-id using Miniconda, to start using cual-id you'll need to run the following command when you open a new terminal:

.. code:: bash

source activate cual-id

Getting help

.. code:: bash

cual-id --help

Creating a list of IDs

.. code:: bash

cual-id create ids 42 # writes 42 ids to stdout cual-id create ids 42 > my-ids.txt # writes 42 ids to my-ids.txt cual-id create ids 42 --existing-ids my-ids.txt # creates ids that do not

overlap with existing ids. Note this will only compare new ids to the first

column of the file

Creating a PDF of ID labels

If you need to label sample containers with stickers, you can create a printable PDF for those stickers. Currently the only sticker sheet format supported is a 4 by 9 sheet. We designed this printout for Electronic Imaging Materials #80402 label sheets <>_. When printing PDFs make sure to check Actual Size in the print dialog box.

.. code:: bash

cual-id create labels my-ids.txt --output-pdf my-labels.pdf cual-id create labels my-ids.txt --output-pdf my-labels.pdf --suppress-ids # don't print the ids, only the barcodes cual-id create labels my-ids.txt --output-pdf my-labels.pdf --barcode none # don't print barcodes, just the ids

Correcting a list of ids

.. code:: bash

cual-id fix examples/modified-ids.txt --correct-ids examples/ids.txt # report fixed, unfixable and duplicates, the default cual-id fix examples/modified-ids.txt --correct-ids examples/ids.txt --show FN # report only fixed and unfixable IDs

Result code definitions

* D: duplicate
* F: fixed
* N: not fixable
* V: valid (didn't need correction)

Output Format


   input-id <tab> output-id <tab> result-codes

For example:


   1a529f8b	1a529f88	F
   d60d0e2b	d60d0c2b	F
   439628o9	43962809	F
   439628o9	43962809	DF
   df47deb4	df47deba	F

Python API

.. code:: python

   from cualid import create_ids
   create_ids(10, 7) # Creates a list of tuples containing a UUID and a cualid

.. |Build Status| image::
.. |Coverage Status| image::
.. |Conda Install| image::