John Ericksen

Results 183 comments of John Ericksen


Do you have proguard obfuscating class names?

Strange. It still sounds like an obfuscating problem. Can you view the classes in the apk?

Are you using Proguard? Also, verify the class names in your APK.

Can you come up with a quick demo app so I can debug?

Hmmm, either that or the Parceler annotation processor isn't running. @doniwinata0309 @10erlosh could you share your build Parceler dependency statements?

I need a bit more to go on here... could you give me a concrete example?

This is because you're asking Parceler to generate a `Parcelable` wrapper for an undefined generic type which resolves to `Object`. How are you using `MyModel`? Do you have a concrete...

Ah, just reread the issue. Adding the generic `` seem to cause the problem... something is happening here, ill have to dig in further.

This is interesting... Java issues a compiler error for defined generics in undefined genericised classes: ```java public class Tester { public static class Pass { Set stuff; } public static...