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ActionScript 3 to JavaScript compiler


Build Status Dependency Status Known Vulnerabilities contributions welcome

as3-js is an ActionScript 3 to JavaScript compiler, with both browser and Node.js support.

  • IE11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari (iOS9+)
  • Node.js 10.15.3+


  • Run-time compilation
  • SWC files
  • flash.* API
  • XML, XMLList, Proxy, Dictionary, and E4X* (see docs)
  • Almost all AS3 language features

Does not support:

  • with
  • package-level static initializers (class-level supported)
  • lazy initialization of non-static property values:
private var foo1:* = foo2; //undefined, not 5
private var foo2:* = 5;
  • weak references
  • named closures in conditionals:
if (false) function foo() {} //compilation error
  • non-unique custom namespace identifiers:
public var myNamespace;
namespace myNamespace = 'foo'; //conflict


npm install @johnbrandle/as3-js

Basic Usage:

/* c:/projects/hello/source/com/foo/ */

    public class Hello
        public function say():String
            return document.getElementById('hello_world').innerHTML;
/* node compilation script */

const as3_js = require('@johnbrandle/as3-js');

let props =
	srcDir:'c:/projects/hello/source', //where *.as files are located
	mainFile:'/com/foo/', //main class file relative location to srcDir
	expose:'hello', //what variable name to set main class instance to
	platform:'browser' //environment where compiled js will run, options: "node|browser|player"

let result = as3_js.compile(props);

fs.writeFileSync('c:/projects/hello/build/js/hello.js', result.js, 'utf8');
<!-- c:/projects/hello/build/index.html -->

<div id="hello_world">hello world</div>

<script src="js/hello.js"></script>
    trace(hello.say()); //outputs hello world to console
Browser (Runtime)
<script src="node_modules/@johnbrandle/as3-js/_excluded/_generated/as3_js.browser.3.js"></script>
    let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'node_modules/@johnbrandle/as3-js/_excluded/_generated/builtin.browser.swc', false); //recommend changing this to asynch

    let constructs = as3_js.getSwcUtil().parseSWCString(request.responseText); //recommend caching result

    let script = 'trace("hello world");';
    let code = 'package { public function actionScript(scope:Object, args:*):* { return (function() {' + script + '\n\n}).apply(scope, args || []); } }';  

    let construct = as3_js.getAnalyzer().analyze(as3_js.getParser().parse(as3_js.getLexer().lex(code).tokens), constructs, 3, true, true);  
    let result = as3_js.getTranslator().translate(construct, constructs, true, false, false);  

    let value = '(function() { var $window = this; var window = $window.parent || $window; var document = window.document; var $es4 = window.$es4 || (window.$es4 = {}); var _ = window._; var $ = window.$;\n\n' + result + '\n\n})();';  

    eval(value); //outputs hello world to console
/* c:/projects/hello/source/com/foo/ */

    public class Hello
        public function say():String
            const os = require('os');

            return os.platform() == 'aix' ? global.Buffer.from('hello world').toString() : 'hello world';
/* node compilation script */

const as3_js = require('@johnbrandle/as3-js');

let props =
	srcDir:'c:/projects/hello/source', //where *.as files are located
	mainFile:'/com/foo/', //main class file relative location to srcDir
	expose:'hello', //module export name
	platform:'node' //environment where compiled js will run, options: "node|browser|player"

let result = as3_js.compile(props);

fs.writeFileSync('c:/projects/hello/tools/modules/hello/index.js', result.js, 'utf8');
/* node test module script */

const hello = require('./modules/hello');

trace(hello.say()); //outputs hello world to console

Advanced Usage:

see docs


  • For the "browser" platform, recommend loading compiled js files in an iframe (see docs for details)

  • The original purpose of this project was to convert valid AS3 to JS, so consider first compiling with Apache Flex for improved error checking.

  • Outstanding bug: missing semicolons will cause compilation errors in some instances...recommend always using semicolons for now.

  • Recommended IDE: IntelliJ