John O'Hara
John O'Hara
**Describe the bug** The Change Dectection view is showing the following warning:  even though subscribers are defined: 
After migration to patternfly5 (#714 ), we can migrate to This would also resolve #364
**Describe the bug** Users should be able to delete their data and Horreum account
The current tight coupling between Keycloak and RBAC for multi-tenancy is hindering adoption in different environments, specifically k8's. If the tenant information is moved from keycloak into the application, and...
**Describe the bug** Some of the UI components are deprecated in patternfly 5, we should upgrade the components to the latest version, e.g. `@patternfly/react-table/deprecated`
Need to include section of JSON schema validation, with references to the spec: including examples
**Describe the bug** Different change detection algorithms have their own strengths and weaknesses and can potentially be used for different purposes, e.g. thresholds for pass/fail, eDivisive for trends etc The...
**Describe the bug** The UI for actions is not pluggable, so every new action needs explicitly adding to the UI: This does not scale as an architecture as more...
The getting started guide ( needs improving to ensure it works in all environments
After saving changes to Change Detection Variables, datapoints are not created: The server log is full of the following errors, I am not sure if it is related: ``` 2024-01-04...