John O'Hara
John O'Hara
**Describe the bug** To enable authentication using an OIDC provider with 2fa enabled, and simultaneously allow machine accounts to be supported, Horreum must be able to support a mixed authentication...
**Describe the bug** Importing a test with a datastore defined fails with the following error: ``` 2024-05-15 13:38:07,265 ERROR [] (executor-thread-2) HTTP Request to /api/test/import failed, error id: 06cb3108-5418-4a00-b273-7cfcdb4d2dcd-2: jakarta.persistence.EntityExistsException:...
An external Collector API tool ( allows performance metrics to be pushed and queried as JSON documents via a REST API In order to integrate existing datasets into Horreum for...
**Describe the bug** Team managers need access to the Administration tab to perform certain admin functions, e.g: 1 - Add new team members 2 - Add new datastores The Administration...
**Describe the bug** The auto-generated Typescript api code in the UI creates the following methods: For Schemas import: ``` export function SchemaExportToJSON(value?: SchemaExport | null): any { if (value ==...
**Describe the bug** When data is uploaded without a schema defined, the transformer from run -> dataset does not run as there is no schema. At the moment this information...
GET calls to `/api/schema` returns a count of number of Schemas for pagination, but does not apply visibility of schemas for current user. This provides an incorrect total number of...
Current the table headers allow sorting by different fields, `name`, `urn`, `description` etc. This applies sorting to the current list of schemas. The sorting should be applied across the entire...
Although the delete is successful in the backend, the UI is not refreshed to remove the schema
Labels are compared via their `Name`. This means that all labels that have the same name are considered to be semantically equivalent across **all** Schemas . e.g. any Label name...