John Bartos
John Bartos
Hey @badrddinb, I'm pretty sure that's intended, the `PlayerStateChanged` event is private. We make some events private by design. While we can't stop you from using them, we offer no...
"No playable formats" means that the browser does not support any of qualities listed in the HLS playlist. We're delivering AVC/h264 streams which have wide support, so on a normal...
@nightpool Thanks for the detailed report and repro example. I've confirmed the issue and we'll work on a fix.
Hey @esilverberg, thanks for the good feedback! I'll bring this up with the team.
@nvduc Thanks for the report, I'm still working on it. Should have it done by today. Will update this issue when it's committed.
Sorry had a busy day and didn't finish this, will get around to it tomorrow.
@nvduc Ok, average bitrate and # switches have been added, and stats are saving to a json file (one per run). I haven't yet computed the NQoE score but I'll...
Hi @Racheal1064, it look like there's an issue running the ffmpeg script - it shouldn't exit like that. Can you try running ffmpeg directly with this command `bash ./ localhost...
@BraynFridman Hey sorry to hear that. I have access to a Windows machine now so I'll hopefully have a fix soon.
@BraynFridman Can you try compiling with this branch? 0fe5e13b9b76e7fac0c2dac1f4fdc8b37c007d13 Building it on my end too. If you can, would you mind uploading the binary which doesn't work? You can fork...