ebusd-configuration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ebusd-configuration copied to clipboard

Wolf WPM-1

Open ThxAndBye opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments


I'm in the process of integrating my Wolf WPM-1 heat pump into Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with an eBus v5 adapter connected via GPIO. The connection seems to work and ebusctl scan full does also detect the devices on the bus.

ebusctl info reports:

version: ebusd 23.2.p20230716
update check: revision 23.2 available, broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/05.vd6.csv: different version available, vaillant/23.solsy.cc.csv: different version available, vaillant/25.ehp.hwc.csv: different version available, vaillant/51.vr630.mc.3.csv: different version available
device: /dev/ttyAMA0, enhanced high speed, firmware 1.1[3612].1[3612]
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 51
max symbol rate: 79
min arbitration micros: 9
max arbitration micros: 64
min symbol latency: 4
max symbol latency: 5
reconnects: 0
masters: 7
messages: 314
conditional: 16
poll: 44
update: 4
address 03: master #11
address 07: master #16
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Wolf;ID=  ;SW=4001;HW=0000"
address 0c: slave #16, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID=  ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID=  ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 30: master #3
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 35: slave #3, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID=  ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 36: slave #8, ebusd, scanning
address 51: slave, scanned "MF=Wolf;ID=  ;SW=4001;HW=0000"
address 70: master #4
address 75: slave #4, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID=  ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address f1: master #10
address f6: slave #10, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID=  ;SW=0204;HW=-"

But other than datetime and error I'm not able to receive any data using the csv config from: ebusd-configuration/ebusd-2.x.x/de

2ad9b828-ebusd:/# ebusctl find
broadcast datetime = -;15:44:10;22.10.2011
broadcast error = E000 15:42
broadcast ident = no data stored
broadcast ident = no data stored
broadcast signoflife = no data stored
cc currenterror = no data stored
cc errorhistory = no data stored
cc Mode = no data stored
cc Stat15MinBusTimeout = no data stored
cc StatMonthOfInstallation = no data stored
cc StatOperatingHours = no data stored
cc StatPowerOn = no data stored
cc StatRestarts = no data stored
cc StatRTOSErrorcode = no data stored
cc StatRTOSErrorCounter = no data stored
cc Status = no data stored
cc StatYearOfInstallation = no data stored
cc Timer.Friday = no data stored
cc Timer.Monday = no data stored
cc Timer.Saturday = no data stored
cc Timer.Sunday = no data stored
cc Timer.Thursday = no data stored
cc Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
cc Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
hwc currenterror = no data stored
hwc errorhistory = no data stored
hwc IsInBankHoliday = no data stored
hwc IsInHoliday = no data stored
hwc IsInSystemOff = no data stored
hwc LegionellaStartTime = no data stored
hwc LegioProtectionEnabled = no data stored
hwc LegioStartDay = no data stored
hwc LegioStartTime = no data stored
hwc Mode = no data stored
hwc OperatingMode430 = no data stored
hwc OperatingMode = no data stored
hwc SolarGainPressLowDelay = no data stored
hwc Status = no data stored
hwc StorageTempDesiredStart = no data stored
hwc StorageTempDesiredStop = no data stored
hwc TempDesired = no data stored
hwc Timer.Friday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Monday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Saturday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Sunday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Thursday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
mc.3 CfgHeatSinkType = no data stored
mc.3 CleaningLady = no data stored
mc.3 currenterror = no data stored
mc.3 DateTime = no data stored
mc.3 errorhistory = no data stored
mc.3 FloorPavingDryingDay = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTemp = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempDesired = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempMax = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempMin = no data stored
mc.3 HcMaxPreHeating = no data stored
mc.3 HcPumpIdlePeriod = no data stored
mc.3 HcPumpPort = no data stored
mc.3 HeatingCurve = no data stored
mc.3 IsInHoliday = no data stored
mc.3 IsInParty = no data stored
mc.3 IsInStorageFilling = no data stored
mc.3 MixerDutyCycle = no data stored
mc.3 Mode = no data stored
mc.3 OperatingMode = no data stored
mc.3 OtShutdownLimit = no data stored
mc.3 Stat15MinBusTimeout = no data stored
mc.3 StatMonthOfInstallation = no data stored
mc.3 StatOperatingHours = no data stored
mc.3 StatPowerOn = no data stored
mc.3 StatRestarts = no data stored
mc.3 StatRTOSErrorcode = no data stored
mc.3 StatRTOSErrorCounter = no data stored
mc.3 Status16 = no data stored
mc.3 Status = no data stored
mc.3 StatYearOfInstallation = no data stored
mc.3 TeleSwitch = no data stored
mc.3 TeleswitchOperatingMode = no data stored
mc.3 TempDesired = no data stored
mc.3 TempDesiredLow = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Friday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Monday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Saturday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Sunday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Thursday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
memory eeprom = no data stored
memory ram = no data stored
rcc HolidayPeriod = no data stored
rcc LcdContrastPwmValue = no data stored
rcc RoomTemp =  (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d0000 / 00)
rcc RoomTempHoliday =  (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d2200 / 00)
rcc RoomTempOffset =  (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d1f00 / 00)
rcc RoomTempOffsetSelfWarming =  (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d2000 / 00)
rcc.1 HolidayPeriod = no data stored
rcc.1 LcdContrastPwmValue = no data stored
rcc.1 RoomTemp =  (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d0000 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempHoliday =  (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d2200 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempOffset =  (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d1f00 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempOffsetSelfWarming =  (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d2000 / 00)
scan.05  = no data stored
scan.08  = Wolf;  ;4001;0000
scan.0c  = Kromschroeder;  ;0204;-
scan.15  = Kromschroeder;  ;0204;-
scan.25  = no data stored
scan.35  = Kromschroeder;  ;0204;-
scan.51  = Wolf;  ;4001;0000
scan.75  = Kromschroeder;  ;0204;-
scan.a0  = no data stored
scan.f6  = Kromschroeder;  ;0204;-
vd6 ActualAnalogInputs = no data stored
vd6 ActualCounterValue = no data stored
vd6 ActualDigitalInputs = no data stored
vd6 ActualGsmProvider = no data stored
vd6 AlarmOffDelay = no data stored
vd6 AlarmOnDelay = no data stored
vd6 AutoSyncEnable = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber1 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber2 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber3 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber4 = no data stored
vd6 ConnectionCycle = no data stored
vd6 ConnectionDelay = no data stored
vd6 ConnErrorCnt = no data stored
vd6 ConnErrorRetryDelay = no data stored
vd6 CurrentPppProvider = no data stored
vd6 DataCollBufSize = no data stored
vd6 DataCollCycle = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionBuffer = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionLimit = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionRequest = no data stored
vd6 Date = no data stored
vd6 DebugFlags = no data stored
vd6 DeviceLayout = no data stored
vd6 DeviceLayoutCRC = no data stored
vd6 DoReset = no data stored
vd6 EnableBcErrMsg = no data stored
vd6 EnableDisErrorMsg = no data stored
vd6 EnableMonitoring = no data stored
vd6 ErrorMessage = no data stored
vd6 FieldStrengthMax = no data stored
vd6 FieldStrengthMin = no data stored
vd6 FlexibleMonitoring = no data stored
vd6 GsmGprsPin = no data stored
vd6 H2BusLayout = no data stored
vd6 LastConnectionError = no data stored
vd6 LastKnownEbusAddr = no data stored
vd6 MessageThreshold = no data stored
vd6 ModemCountryCode = no data stored
vd6 ModemDialPrefix = no data stored
vd6 ModemInitString = no data stored
vd6 ModemType = no data stored
vd6 PowerOnMessage = no data stored
vd6 PppLogin1 = no data stored
vd6 PppLogin2 = no data stored
vd6 PppPassword1 = no data stored
vd6 PppPassword2 = no data stored
vd6 PppPhoneNumber1 = no data stored
vd6 PppPhoneNumber2 = no data stored
vd6 PredMaintConnectionCycle = no data stored
vd6 RfWakeupCycle = no data stored
vd6 RingsBeforePickup = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeGsmCB = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeTSM1 = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeTSM2 = no data stored
vd6 ScanLayoutCycle = no data stored
vd6 ServerIpAddr = no data stored
vd6 SoftwareVersion = no data stored
vd6 StandbySignal = no data stored
vd6 SwitchRelays = no data stored
vd6 Temp3WayValve = no data stored
vd6 Time = no data stored
vd6 Weekday = no data stored

Trying to read data manually leads in a read error, e.g.:

2ad9b828-ebusd:/# ebusctl read -c hwc Mode
ERR: read timeout

Is there already a csv config available for the Wolf WPM-1? If not how would I go about decoding the data from the bus and creating a configuration for the device?

ThxAndBye avatar Aug 04 '23 13:08 ThxAndBye

i have some commands on the eBus that are send every 10sec or so. How would I get ebusd to recognize them?

These are the commands I've seen that I'm sure what they are:

f151502203cc0e00 / 02fe01 = 10
UIN   fe01=510

0751502203900f00 / 02ec00 = 6
UIN   ec00=236

0708502203de2a02 / 02484a = 13
UIN   484a=19016

0708502203f62702 / 020100 = 6
UIN   0100=1

And this is what I've added to the .csv:

u,feuerung,t_wwasser,temperatur_warmwasser,f1,51,5022,03cc0e,t_wwasser,,UIN,10,Grad Celcius,t_wwasser,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
u,feuerung,mischer_eins,mischer_1,07,51,5022,03900f,mischer_eins,,UIN,10,Grad Celcius,mischer_eins,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

But they aren't added to the MQTT topic. Any help would be appreciated.

ThxAndBye avatar Dec 26 '23 17:12 ThxAndBye

ThxAndBye, "03" in your example is the number of bytes of the following data and not part of the message definition (https://github.com/john30/ebusd/wiki/eBUS-background). So your csv file has to look like ...,5022,cc0e00,... ...,5022,900f00,... and so on HTH

ProgWolf18 avatar May 30 '24 12:05 ProgWolf18