ebusd-configuration copied to clipboard
Wolf WPM-1
I'm in the process of integrating my Wolf WPM-1 heat pump into Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with an eBus v5 adapter connected via GPIO. The connection seems to work and ebusctl scan full
does also detect the devices on the bus.
ebusctl info reports:
version: ebusd 23.2.p20230716
update check: revision 23.2 available, broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/05.vd6.csv: different version available, vaillant/23.solsy.cc.csv: different version available, vaillant/25.ehp.hwc.csv: different version available, vaillant/51.vr630.mc.3.csv: different version available
device: /dev/ttyAMA0, enhanced high speed, firmware 1.1[3612].1[3612]
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 51
max symbol rate: 79
min arbitration micros: 9
max arbitration micros: 64
min symbol latency: 4
max symbol latency: 5
reconnects: 0
masters: 7
messages: 314
conditional: 16
poll: 44
update: 4
address 03: master #11
address 07: master #16
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Wolf;ID= ;SW=4001;HW=0000"
address 0c: slave #16, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID= ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID= ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 30: master #3
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 35: slave #3, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID= ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address 36: slave #8, ebusd, scanning
address 51: slave, scanned "MF=Wolf;ID= ;SW=4001;HW=0000"
address 70: master #4
address 75: slave #4, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID= ;SW=0204;HW=-"
address f1: master #10
address f6: slave #10, scanned "MF=Kromschroeder;ID= ;SW=0204;HW=-"
But other than datetime
and error
I'm not able to receive any data using the csv config from: ebusd-configuration/ebusd-2.x.x/de
2ad9b828-ebusd:/# ebusctl find
broadcast datetime = -;15:44:10;22.10.2011
broadcast error = E000 15:42
broadcast ident = no data stored
broadcast ident = no data stored
broadcast signoflife = no data stored
cc currenterror = no data stored
cc errorhistory = no data stored
cc Mode = no data stored
cc Stat15MinBusTimeout = no data stored
cc StatMonthOfInstallation = no data stored
cc StatOperatingHours = no data stored
cc StatPowerOn = no data stored
cc StatRestarts = no data stored
cc StatRTOSErrorcode = no data stored
cc StatRTOSErrorCounter = no data stored
cc Status = no data stored
cc StatYearOfInstallation = no data stored
cc Timer.Friday = no data stored
cc Timer.Monday = no data stored
cc Timer.Saturday = no data stored
cc Timer.Sunday = no data stored
cc Timer.Thursday = no data stored
cc Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
cc Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
hwc currenterror = no data stored
hwc errorhistory = no data stored
hwc IsInBankHoliday = no data stored
hwc IsInHoliday = no data stored
hwc IsInSystemOff = no data stored
hwc LegionellaStartTime = no data stored
hwc LegioProtectionEnabled = no data stored
hwc LegioStartDay = no data stored
hwc LegioStartTime = no data stored
hwc Mode = no data stored
hwc OperatingMode430 = no data stored
hwc OperatingMode = no data stored
hwc SolarGainPressLowDelay = no data stored
hwc Status = no data stored
hwc StorageTempDesiredStart = no data stored
hwc StorageTempDesiredStop = no data stored
hwc TempDesired = no data stored
hwc Timer.Friday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Monday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Saturday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Sunday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Thursday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
hwc Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
mc.3 CfgHeatSinkType = no data stored
mc.3 CleaningLady = no data stored
mc.3 currenterror = no data stored
mc.3 DateTime = no data stored
mc.3 errorhistory = no data stored
mc.3 FloorPavingDryingDay = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTemp = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempDesired = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempMax = no data stored
mc.3 FlowTempMin = no data stored
mc.3 HcMaxPreHeating = no data stored
mc.3 HcPumpIdlePeriod = no data stored
mc.3 HcPumpPort = no data stored
mc.3 HeatingCurve = no data stored
mc.3 IsInHoliday = no data stored
mc.3 IsInParty = no data stored
mc.3 IsInStorageFilling = no data stored
mc.3 MixerDutyCycle = no data stored
mc.3 Mode = no data stored
mc.3 OperatingMode = no data stored
mc.3 OtShutdownLimit = no data stored
mc.3 Stat15MinBusTimeout = no data stored
mc.3 StatMonthOfInstallation = no data stored
mc.3 StatOperatingHours = no data stored
mc.3 StatPowerOn = no data stored
mc.3 StatRestarts = no data stored
mc.3 StatRTOSErrorcode = no data stored
mc.3 StatRTOSErrorCounter = no data stored
mc.3 Status16 = no data stored
mc.3 Status = no data stored
mc.3 StatYearOfInstallation = no data stored
mc.3 TeleSwitch = no data stored
mc.3 TeleswitchOperatingMode = no data stored
mc.3 TempDesired = no data stored
mc.3 TempDesiredLow = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Friday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Monday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Saturday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Sunday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Thursday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Tuesday = no data stored
mc.3 Timer.Wednesday = no data stored
memory eeprom = no data stored
memory ram = no data stored
rcc HolidayPeriod = no data stored
rcc LcdContrastPwmValue = no data stored
rcc RoomTemp = (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d0000 / 00)
rcc RoomTempHoliday = (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d2200 / 00)
rcc RoomTempOffset = (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d1f00 / 00)
rcc RoomTempOffsetSelfWarming = (ERR: invalid position for 3175b509030d2000 / 00)
rcc.1 HolidayPeriod = no data stored
rcc.1 LcdContrastPwmValue = no data stored
rcc.1 RoomTemp = (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d0000 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempHoliday = (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d2200 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempOffset = (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d1f00 / 00)
rcc.1 RoomTempOffsetSelfWarming = (ERR: invalid position for 3135b509030d2000 / 00)
scan.05 = no data stored
scan.08 = Wolf; ;4001;0000
scan.0c = Kromschroeder; ;0204;-
scan.15 = Kromschroeder; ;0204;-
scan.25 = no data stored
scan.35 = Kromschroeder; ;0204;-
scan.51 = Wolf; ;4001;0000
scan.75 = Kromschroeder; ;0204;-
scan.a0 = no data stored
scan.f6 = Kromschroeder; ;0204;-
vd6 ActualAnalogInputs = no data stored
vd6 ActualCounterValue = no data stored
vd6 ActualDigitalInputs = no data stored
vd6 ActualGsmProvider = no data stored
vd6 AlarmOffDelay = no data stored
vd6 AlarmOnDelay = no data stored
vd6 AutoSyncEnable = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber1 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber2 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber3 = no data stored
vd6 BoxSerialNumber4 = no data stored
vd6 ConnectionCycle = no data stored
vd6 ConnectionDelay = no data stored
vd6 ConnErrorCnt = no data stored
vd6 ConnErrorRetryDelay = no data stored
vd6 CurrentPppProvider = no data stored
vd6 DataCollBufSize = no data stored
vd6 DataCollCycle = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionBuffer = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionLimit = no data stored
vd6 DataCollectionRequest = no data stored
vd6 Date = no data stored
vd6 DebugFlags = no data stored
vd6 DeviceLayout = no data stored
vd6 DeviceLayoutCRC = no data stored
vd6 DoReset = no data stored
vd6 EnableBcErrMsg = no data stored
vd6 EnableDisErrorMsg = no data stored
vd6 EnableMonitoring = no data stored
vd6 ErrorMessage = no data stored
vd6 FieldStrengthMax = no data stored
vd6 FieldStrengthMin = no data stored
vd6 FlexibleMonitoring = no data stored
vd6 GsmGprsPin = no data stored
vd6 H2BusLayout = no data stored
vd6 LastConnectionError = no data stored
vd6 LastKnownEbusAddr = no data stored
vd6 MessageThreshold = no data stored
vd6 ModemCountryCode = no data stored
vd6 ModemDialPrefix = no data stored
vd6 ModemInitString = no data stored
vd6 ModemType = no data stored
vd6 PowerOnMessage = no data stored
vd6 PppLogin1 = no data stored
vd6 PppLogin2 = no data stored
vd6 PppPassword1 = no data stored
vd6 PppPassword2 = no data stored
vd6 PppPhoneNumber1 = no data stored
vd6 PppPhoneNumber2 = no data stored
vd6 PredMaintConnectionCycle = no data stored
vd6 RfWakeupCycle = no data stored
vd6 RingsBeforePickup = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeGsmCB = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeTSM1 = no data stored
vd6 RingTimeTSM2 = no data stored
vd6 ScanLayoutCycle = no data stored
vd6 ServerIpAddr = no data stored
vd6 SoftwareVersion = no data stored
vd6 StandbySignal = no data stored
vd6 SwitchRelays = no data stored
vd6 Temp3WayValve = no data stored
vd6 Time = no data stored
vd6 Weekday = no data stored
Trying to read data manually leads in a read error, e.g.:
2ad9b828-ebusd:/# ebusctl read -c hwc Mode
ERR: read timeout
Is there already a csv config available for the Wolf WPM-1? If not how would I go about decoding the data from the bus and creating a configuration for the device?
i have some commands on the eBus that are send every 10sec or so. How would I get ebusd to recognize them?
These are the commands I've seen that I'm sure what they are:
f151502203cc0e00 / 02fe01 = 10
UIN fe01=510
0751502203900f00 / 02ec00 = 6
UIN ec00=236
0708502203de2a02 / 02484a = 13
UIN 484a=19016
0708502203f62702 / 020100 = 6
UIN 0100=1
And this is what I've added to the .csv:
u,feuerung,t_wwasser,temperatur_warmwasser,f1,51,5022,03cc0e,t_wwasser,,UIN,10,Grad Celcius,t_wwasser,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
u,feuerung,mischer_eins,mischer_1,07,51,5022,03900f,mischer_eins,,UIN,10,Grad Celcius,mischer_eins,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
But they aren't added to the MQTT topic. Any help would be appreciated.
ThxAndBye, "03" in your example is the number of bytes of the following data and not part of the message definition (https://github.com/john30/ebusd/wiki/eBUS-background). So your csv file has to look like ...,5022,cc0e00,... ...,5022,900f00,... and so on HTH