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flatui.vim copied to clipboard

Vim colorscheme based on flatuicolors.com


A refreshing, light colorscheme compatible with terminal Vim, focusing on greens and blues, sprinkled with oranges and reds.

I wanted a cool, light, xterm compatible colorscheme. Instead of trying to come up with my own colors, I decided to piggy-back on the awesome work done on flatuicolors.com.

This is a work in progress. Constantly changing. Use a plugin manager to keep up.


Note: All screenshots taken using terminal Vim, and using the vim-airline theme "luna".

Highlight groups

FlatUI highlight groups

VimL (showing comlpetion)

FlatUI with VimL

Python + NERDTree (showing visual selection)

FlatUI with Python + NERDTree

HTML + CSS (showing search and incremental search highlights)

FlatUI with HTML + CSS

Javascript (showing TODO/FIXME)

FlatUI with Javascript

Clojure (showing matching parens)

FlatUI with Clojure

Known issues:

  1. Colors are too dark/light or just don't look right on GVim/Terminal vim.


  1. Improve syntax colors (this will never be over)
  2. Set "dark" version (dark could be a warmer version. i.e. using mainly orange and red)
  3. Create vim-airline theme
  4. Higher contrast version (maybe)
  5. Improve highlight groups of other languages (pull requests?)


Same as Vim's. See :help license.