acute-select copied to clipboard
How to disable select control?
Is there an example on how to disable select control?
Sorry for the late reply. A disabled option isn't something I've put in there as yet. I'll see if I can add it in soon.
I found a fairly simple solution for disable that works great. Maybe you will consider using it.
First is 1 addition and 2 changes to
.ac-select-text {
outline: none;
.ac-select-disabled {
color: #a1a1a1;
cursor: default;
Then 3 additions to to disable the dropdown from appearing.
$scope.togglePopup = function() {
if ($scope.settings.disabled) { return; }
var defaultSettings = {
"allowClear": true,
And finally 4 additions to
<!-- Added "ng-style" to disable outline -->
<div class="ac-select-wrapper" ng-keydown="keyHandler($event)" tabindex="999" ac-focus="wrapperFocus" ng-focus="comboFocus = true" ng-style="{outline : ((settings.disabled) && 'none') || 'initial'}">
<div ng-class="{'ac-select-main':true, 'ac-select-main-closed':!popupVisible, 'ac-select-main-open':popupVisible}" ng-click="mainClick($event)"
ng-style="{'minWidth': settings.minWidth }">
<table class="ac-select-table" ng-click="togglePopup($event)">
<!-- Added "ng-class" to apply "ac-select-disabled" class to displayed values -->
<td ng-class="{'ac-select-disabled':settings.disabled}" class="ac-select-display">
<div class="ac-select-text-wrapper" ng-show="settings.comboMode">
<input type="text" class="ac-select-text" ng-model="comboText" ac-focus="comboFocus" ac-select-on-focus ng-change="comboTextChange()"
placeholder="{{settings.placeholderText}}" watermark="{{settings.placeholderText}}" />
<span ng-hide="settings.comboMode">{{confirmedItem.text}}</span>
<!-- Added "ng-style" to hide dropdown image when disabled -->
<td class="ac-select-image" ng-style="{display : ((settings.disabled) && 'none') || 'initial'}"></td>
<!--Row to get the control width right, using the original select or the longest item text. Hidden at runtime.-->
<tr class="ac-select-widener">
<!-- <td class="ac-select-longest"> {{longestText}}</td> -->
<td class="ac-select-longest"></td>
<div class="ac-select-popup" ng-show="popupVisible" ng-style="{'minWidth': settings.minWidth }">
<div class="ac-select-search-wrapper" ng-hide="settings.comboMode || !settings.showSearchBox">
<!-- And finally added "ng-disabled" to disabled the input box -->
<input type="text" ng-disabled="modifying" class="ac-select-search" ng-model="searchText" placeholder="search" ac-focus="searchBoxFocus" ac-select-on-focus
ng-change="findData()" ng-keydown="keyHandler($event)" />
<td class="ac-select-add" ng-class="{ 'ac-select-disabled': matchFound }" title="Add" ng-show="settings.allowCustomText" ng-click="addButtonClick()">
<div class="ac-select-no-items" ng-show="noItemsFound">{{settings.noItemsText}}</div>
<div class="ac-select-list" ng-style='{ "height": (listHeight + 6) + "px" }' ac-scroll-to="scrollTo" ac-on-scroll="listScrolled()">
<li id="{{}}" ng-repeat="item in items | filter: search"
ng-class="getItemClass($index)" ng-click="itemClick($index)" ng-style="{ height: settings.itemHeight + 'px', 'line-height': settings.itemHeight + 'px' }">
<div class="ac-select-loading" ng-show="loading" ng-style="{ height: settings.itemHeight + 'px'}">Loading...</div>
<div class="ac-select-load-more" ng-show="allDataLoaded===false">
{{items.length}} items<!-- of {{matchingItemTotal}}-->
<span ng-click="loadMore()">{{loadMessage}}</span>