acute-select icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
acute-select copied to clipboard

If you're using an id/name combination the model becomes the whole json object not just the model

Open owlyowl opened this issue 9 years ago • 1 comments

   <div class="ac-select" ac-model="itemListing.selectedVideo.productId" ac-key="id" ac-options=" as for p in productListing.products" data-ac-settings="{ loadOnOpen: true, minWidth: '300px' }"></div>

                                {{ itemListing.selectedVideo.productId }}

If I set this up and trying an output itemListing.selectedVideo.productId it will return the entirety of the selectedVideo object not just the productId

I've tried using ac-key with the same result..

owlyowl avatar Nov 04 '14 05:11 owlyowl