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Custom case support
I noticed coerce.nvim today in awesome-neovim.
It has support for custom cases, would it be possible to get them in text-case.nvim?
That's totally feasible. In fact, As Grzegorz, coerce's author, mentions in its readme coerce is based on text-case and the method for registering custom cases exists in both. It will be a matter of exposing it.
We will also need to un-hardcode this table
I'm curious, @grimnight, do you have any custom case in mind?
I'm currently looking forward to path/case, perhaps some other ones in the future.
Will there be support for custom triggers as well? Or an ability to add new ones to existing methods?
is built-in. I hadn't noticed there were some cases with no matching triggers. That's a bug! at least we should make it explicit in the readme. But no worries, in the meantime, I'm going to explain below how to add it.
Triggers are regular key-maps. Some users just disable the default key mappings and create them using their own favorite keys. For example I've seen "-" for dash-case and "_" for snake_case. I prefer to keep using the d and s, that way I know their uppercase variants will trigger LSP renaming (ie: D, for dash case LSP rename).
Adding default keymaps depends on your current setup, but this is the most generic way, in the example, I'm using f
as in files
or folders
, it adds 2 keymaps:
gaf for path case conversion
gaF for path case conversion using Language Server Protocol
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'gaf', "<cmd>lua require('textcase').current_word('to_path_case')<CR>", { desc = "Convert to/path/case" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'gaF', "<cmd>lua require('textcase').lsp_rename('to_path_case')<CR>", { desc = "LSP Rename to/path/case" })
path/case It is not one of my most used cases, happy to know your experience once you start using it. Please let me know if it fits your requirements!!
By the way, keeping this issue open. Will add "Custom Case support" this weekend
On a second thought, please correct me, there is no much sense on using LSP case change for path case. Perhaps ga/ is a good keybindings
I'm still in early stages of trying out LSP so I don't know whether it would be useful or not.
When I looked into coerce.nvim and noticed path case support I thought that it would be nice to have. I do not know how I missed that it already existed in text-case.nvim.