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[Bug] Blog Doesn't Download if it becomes Tumbler Hidden after being added
There are a couple of blogs that I follow which converted to hidden days/weeks after I'd added them to TumblThree.
They no longer download. I have to remove them and then re-add them.
Yes, I noticed it too. Converted hidden blogs just become offline as soon as I want to download them. It is because the program continues to see them as regular blogs. Here is the Index archive with such a blog, just in case, if Johannes needs such files to fix this properly. Index.zip
As a workaround, you can manually edit the files until I've though about a useful implementation:
To change the sampleblog from the Tumblr to Tumblr hidden crawler, do these steps:
- Close TumblThree.
- Change the file extension from .tumblr to .tmblrpriv. So, you'll have to rename these two files: a. sampleblog.tumblr to sampleblog.tmblrpriv b. sampleblog_files.tumblr to sampleblog_files.tmblrpriv
- Open the just renamed files and change the "BlogType" from 0 to 1 in both files. Additionally, in the samepleblog.tmblpriv file change the false in the "Online" field to true.
- Save both files.
The same should work if you want to do it the other way around, just with swapped values.
The BlogType numbers are visible in this file, starting with zero, top to bottom.