VolumetricLinesUnity copied to clipboard
Weird code for aspectRatio correction
The code contains multiple instances of this line
float aspectRatio = unity_CameraProjection._m11 / unity_CameraProjection._m00;
float2 lineDirProj_prev = normalize(
csPos.xy * aspectRatio / csPos.w - // screen-space pos of current end
csPos_prev.xy * aspectRatio / csPos_prev.w // screen-space position of the other "previous" end
) * sign(csPos.w) * sign(csPos_prev.w) * scaledLineWidth;
However that aspect ratio multiplication does... nothing.
It is equivalent to:
float2 lineDirProj_prev = normalize((csPos.xy / csPos.w - csPos_prev.xy / csPos_prev.w) * aspectRatio)
sign(csPos.w) * sign(csPos_prev.w) * scaledLineWidth;
which is equivalent to:
float2 lineDirProj_prev = normalize(csPos.xy / csPos.w - csPos_prev.xy / csPos_prev.w)
sign(csPos.w) * sign(csPos_prev.w) * scaledLineWidth;
unless aspect ratio is 0, which it never is.
It can be simply corrected by defining aspectRatio as:
float2 aspectRatio = float2(
unity_CameraProjection._m11 / unity_CameraProjection._m00,
Found this mistake while making an opaque version of the shader that doesn't suffer from high foreshortening, source in details
custom opaque line shader
// Property-variables declarations
float _LineRadius;
float4 _Color;
// Vertex shader input attributes
struct a2v
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 otherPos : NORMAL; // object-space position of the other end
half2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 offset : TEXCOORD1;
// float4 color : COLOR;
// Vertex out/fragment in data:
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
half2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
// float4 color : COLOR;
// Vertex shader
v2f vert (a2v v)
v2f o;
// Setup
// Pass on texture coordinates to fragment shader as they are:
o.uv = v.texcoord;
// o.color = v.color;
// Extract average scale from matrix
float lineScale = dot(float3(
), float3(1.0/3, 1.0/3, 1.0/3));
// Scale to properly match Unity's world space units:
// The `projScale` factor also handles different field of view values, which
// used to be handled via FOV_SCALING_OFF in previous versions of this asset.
// Furthermore, `projScale` handles orthographic projection matrices gracefully.
float projScale = unity_CameraProjection._m11;
float scaledLineRadius = _LineRadius * lineScale * projScale;
// Get aspect ratio
float2 aspectRatio = float2(
unity_CameraProjection._m11 / unity_CameraProjection._m00,
// Transform current end of line to homogeneous clip space:
float4 csPos = TransformObjectToHClip(v.vertex.xyz);
// Offset for our current vertex:
float2 offset;
// If transforming vertex of the middle part
if (v.offset.x == 0) {
// Transform opposite end of line to homogeneous clip space:
float4 csPos_other = TransformObjectToHClip(v.otherPos);
// The positions of the circles in clip space, corrected for aspect ratio
float2 circleCenter1 = csPos.xy * aspectRatio / csPos.w;
float2 circleCenter2 = csPos_other.xy * aspectRatio / csPos_other.w;
// The projection from one end to another
float2 lineDirProj = normalize(
circleCenter1 - // screen-space pos of current end
circleCenter2 // screen-space position of the other end
) * scaledLineRadius; // account for scale
// Some tangent math
// see https://www.math-only-math.com/important-properties-of-direct-common-tangents.html
// Radiuses, not accounting for line width
float circleRadius1 = 1/csPos.w;
float circleRadius2 = 1/csPos_other.w;
// Difference between radiuses
float radiusDiff = (circleRadius1-circleRadius2) * scaledLineRadius;
// Distance between points
float circleDist = length(circleCenter1-circleCenter2);
// Angle between the centerline and the perpendicular to the tangent
// float angleOfTangent = acos(radiusDiff / circleDist);
// float xOffset = -cos(angleOfTangent)
// float yOffset = sin(angleOfTangent)
// Optimized version
float xOffset = -radiusDiff / circleDist;
float yOffset = v.offset.y * sqrt(1 - xOffset * xOffset);
// Project the offset to face the camera
offset = xOffset * lineDirProj +
yOffset * float2(lineDirProj.y, -lineDirProj.x);
} else {
offset = v.offset * scaledLineRadius;
// Apply (aspect-ratio corrected) offset
csPos.xy += offset / aspectRatio;
o.pos = csPos;
return o;
// Fragment shader
float4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
float2 uvCentered = i.uv - 0.5;
float uvSquareLength = dot(uvCentered, uvCentered);
float alpha = uvSquareLength <= 0.25;
return float4(1, 1, 1, alpha) * _Color;
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I'll take this into account in the next release.