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The raycasting engine from the book "Gardens of Imagination"


The Gardens of Imagination raycasting engine, brought back from the 90's.

Screenshot Screenshot


To build the demo programs, you must first install the following tools:

Install dependencies


$ sudo zypper install ninja gcc-c++ libSDL2-devel


$ sudo apt install ninja-build g++ libsdl2-dev


  • Manually download and install MSYS2.
  • Run View advanced system settings from the Start menu and add a PATH to C:\msys64\mingw64\bin.
  • Run MSYS2 MSYS from the Start menu. Update the package database and base packages with pacman -Syu.
  • Run MSYS2 MSYS from the Start menu again. Update the rest of the base packages with pacman -Syu.
  • Install the development tools with pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2.
  • Close the MSYS2 MSYS window and run MSYS MinGW 64-bit from the Start menu.
  • Clone the git repository with git clone
  • Finally, to be able to build the demos on Windows, edit the file and uncomment the line # command = $cc $in $windows -o $out..

Build instructions

To build the demo programs, run:

$ ninja

A build directory will be created, containing the demo programs.


Usage: raycast [OPTION]...

 -h, --help           Display this text and exit
 -w, --window         Render in a window
     --fullwindow     Render in a fullscreen window
 -f, --fullscreen     Render in fullscreen
 -v, --vsync          Enable sync to vertical refresh
     --novsync        Disable sync to vertical refresh
 -l, --linear         Render using linear filtering
     --nolinear       Render using nearest pixel sampling
 -c, --showcursor     Show mouse cursor
     --nocursor       Hide mouse cursor
     --showfps        Show frame rate in window title
     --nofps          Hide frame rate
     --capfps=VALUE   Limit frame rate to the specified VALUE


Licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Original code written by Christopher Lampton for Gardens of Imagination (Waite Group Press)


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