Jochen Kühner

Results 399 comments of Jochen Kühner

Puh.. At first it's correct behavior, because if you Undo, Instance is reused... But, if you do desItem.Services.GetService().Clear(); GC.Collect(); it's also not called, so there seems to be an error....

The Problem here is, the Points are Stored as a String and not as an Object List in Xaml If you create the Line like this: it works. Ate the...

Maybe your fix in XamlProperty is correct (I'll take a look), but to fix this correctly I think you need to fix ApplyTransform in ModelTools.cs The RotateTransform Extension does already...

Please create a new Issue if you have a Bug! This is only a List of Todo's for myself! Don't know what you mean what does not work! If I...

Error: InvalidProgramException Test: SelectTests.OuterApplyTest("PostgreSQL") CSharpCode: (Func)( IQueryRunner qr, IDataReader dr) => new Func( (Func)( IQueryRunner qr, IDataContext dctx, IDataReader rd, Expression expr, object[] ps, object[] preamble) => { NpgsqlDefaultDataReader ldr;...

Error: System.OverflowException Test: TestextraTypesBulkCopy("PostgreSQL", Default) CSharpCode: (Func)( IQueryRunner qr, IDataReader dr) => new Func( (Func)( IQueryRunner qr, IDataContext dctx, IDataReader rd, Expression expr, object[] ps, object[] preamble) => { NpgsqlDefaultDataReader...

Error: InvalidCastException Test: MappingTests.TesCollection CSharpCode: (Func)(object object__23780681) => { SampleClass sampleclass__63059985; sampleclass__63059985 = new SampleClass( object__23780681, new System.Delegate[]{default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Action), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Func), default(System.Action), default(System.Action), default(System.Action),...

Okay. But should it be fixed? Because it still fails.

??? Wich fork? of Linq2db? If you use the Fork, wich already has the replaced compiles, you could switch to MS compiler. Then run all tests. Then you could switch...