vue-croppie icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-croppie copied to clipboard

Vue wrapper for croppie


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VueCroppie is a Vue 2 wrapper for Croppie a beautiful photo cropping tool for Javascript by foliotek.

If you like this project, please give it a star, and consider following the author. :)



npm install vue-croppie --save


Usage with a bundler

TO use VueCroppie with Webpack, Parcel or other bundler

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueCroppie from 'vue-croppie';
import 'croppie/croppie.css' // import the croppie css manually


Usage in Browser directly

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  const vm = new Vue({...});


This sample below will produce this.

        <!-- Note that 'ref' is important here (value can be anything). read the description about `ref` below. -->
            :boundary="{ width: 300, height: 300}"

        <!-- the result -->
        <img v-bind:src="cropped">

        <button @click="bind()">Bind</button>
        <!-- Rotate angle is Number -->
        <button @click="rotate(-90)">Rotate Left</button>
        <button @click="rotate(90)">Rotate Right</button>
        <button @click="crop()">Crop Via Callback</button>
        <button @click="cropViaEvent()">Crop Via Event</button>

export default {
    mounted() {
        // Upon mounting of the component, we accessed the .bind({...})
        // function to put an initial image on the canvas.
            url: '',
    data() {
        return {
            cropped: null,
            images: [
    methods: {
        bind() {
            // Randomize cat photos, nothing special here.
            let url = this.images[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]

            // Just like what we did with .bind({...}) on 
            // the mounted() function above.
                url: url,
        // CALBACK USAGE
        crop() {
            // Here we are getting the result via callback function
            // and set the result to this.cropped which is being 
            // used to display the result above.
            let options = {
                format: 'jpeg', 
                circle: true
            this.$refs.croppieRef.result(options, (output) => {
                this.cropped = output;
        // EVENT USAGE
        cropViaEvent() {
        result(output) {
            this.cropped = output;
        update(val) {
        rotate(rotationAngle) {
            // Rotates the image

File Upload Sample

You can upload file instead of using direct image link. Usage In your form add a file input along with vue-croppie component.

  <input type="file" @change="croppie"/>
  <vue-croppie ref="croppieRef" :enableOrientation="true" :boundary="{ width: 450, height: 300}" :viewport="{ width:400, height:250, 'type':'square' }">
  <!-- the result -->
  <img :src="cropped">
  <button @click="crop">Crop</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      croppieImage: '',
      cropped: null
  methods: {
    croppie (e) {
      var files = || e.dataTransfer.files;
      if (!files.length) return;

      var reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = e => {

    crop() {
      // Options can be updated.
      // Current option will return a base64 version of the uploaded image with a size of 600px X 450px.
      let options = {
        type: 'base64',
        size: { width: 600, height: 450 },
        format: 'jpeg'
      this.$refs.croppieRef.result(options, output => {
        this.cropped = this.croppieImage = output;

Using Options

All Croppie options were converted to props to be able use them in the vue-croppie component.


    :viewport="{ width: 200, height: 200, type: 'circle' }"


All of the properties and methods are based on Croppie documentation. All property and method names are "===" the same if you know what I mean.

Except for these few things below.

Option Type Default Description
ref (required) Object none ref is used to create a reference to the child component, in order to have access to it's methods and properties. Specific example is to access the result() function of vue-croppie from outside the component.
resultType String base64 The image encoding of the cropped image via result(). Also available in Croppie Documentation.
customClass String none You can pass a custom class or classes to the props customClass like customClass="class1 class2 class3"


Option Type Usage Description
update function @update="fn" Gets triggered when the croppie element has been zoomed, dragged or cropped
result function @result="fn" Gets triggered when the image has been cropped. Returns the cropped image.
croppieInitialized function @croppieInitialized="fn" Gets triggered when the croppie gets initialized.


@result event is only available if NO callback function was passed to this.$refs.croppieRef.result({}). See here


How to clear/destroy coppie?

I added a new method called refresh() and can be used as this.$refs.croppieRef.refresh(), but the croppie instance is now being refreshed automatically after every crop() invocation.

Helpful links #358 - Official croppie page.


1.3.0 - Aug 16, 2017

  • Added webpack build
  • Fixes #5
  • Fixes #14

1.2.5 - Aug 12, 2017

  • Cropped image output can now be retrieve via vue event.
  • Added result event.
  • Added updated event.


  • Added automatic refreshing of croppie instance after every crop() invocation.
  • New method refresh() which destroys and re-create the croppie instance.


  • Result options are now being passed through the this.$refs.croppieRef.result(options, callback).



Use and abuse at your own risk.

</p> with ❤️ by Jofferson Ramirez Tiquez