v-img-fallback icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
v-img-fallback copied to clipboard

Vue Image Fallback

Vue Image Fallback


Vue image placeholder directive for broken images.

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Install with NPM or Yarn

npm install v-img-fallback --save

yarn add v-img-fallback

Transpile for target: es5

This module is distributed as an esm module.

If you need backwards compatibility, you will need to transpile this module:

// in your vue.config.js for vue-cli-3
module.exports = {
  /* ... other config ... */
  transpileDependencies: ['v-img-fallback']

Install globally

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueImgFallback from 'v-img-fallback';

Vue.use(VueImgFallback, {
  loading: 'path/to/loading/image',
  error: 'path/to/error/image'

Install locally

  <img src="foo.png" v-img-fallback="imgFallback">

import { ImgFallback } from 'v-img-fallback';

export default {
  directives: {
  data: () => {
    imgFallback: {
      loading: 'path/to/loading/image',
      error: 'path/to/error/image'


This directive can receive string or object value.


Path or image url. This value will be used in both loading and error state.


  loading: 'path/to/loading/image',
  error: 'path/to/error/image'

Sample - pass a string

  <img src="foo.png" v-img-fallback="path/to/placeholder">

Sample - pass an object

  <img src="foo.png" v-img-fallback="imgFallback">

  export default {
    data: () => {
      imgFallback: {
        loading: 'path/to/loading/image',
        error: 'path/to/error/image'


January 25, 2018 - Added options object to Vue.use(VueImgFallback, options). Options should have loading and error properties. These values will always be overwritten by the value inside v-img-fallback directive.


loading value can be a .gif Gee. Ahy. Ef. (I will die with dignity LOL).

Made with :heart: by Jofferson Ramirez Tiquez