friendly-github-intro copied to clipboard
To Do's
A To do List: (in no particular order)
- [ ]
- [ ] Create 'examples' folder with:
- [ ] Readme
- [ ] Contributing
- [ ] Code of conduct
- [ ] Example 1: mini-thesis
- [ ] Example 2: html page
- [ ] Example 3: code, R script
- [ ] Example 4: cooking recipe
- [x] Use Moz WOW template to build gh-pages for the workshop and activities
- [x] Food:
- [x] Breakfast things - croissants, coffee, donuts, tea, hot water
- [x] Lunch things - some type of juice and pizza or sandwiches
- [x] Added Glossary
- [ ] Created Presentations for:
- [x] Welcome & Hello
- [x] What is Github: what, why, & welcome
- [x] Setting Up your first project
- [ ] Working Collaboratively with Github
- [ ] Create Demo / handout materials for:
- [ ] Setting Up your first project
- [ ] Working Collaboratively with Github
Shall we add a glossary? I know that was the most complicated thing for me as a non-GitHub user. I've got one started.
Also, could we add fruit to breakfast and maybe some sort of soup or salad option for non-bread types to lunch?
@stephwright - yes and yes! Glossary would be great. I will add a .md file for the glossary. Re food: yes - Let's go with salad for lunch for the non-bread types and yes we can get a fruit platter to keep our brains functioning.