Joey Figaro

Results 53 issues of Joey Figaro

- Maizzle Version: 4.8.2 - Node.js Version: 9.5.1 (Node v18.16.0) [Reproduction Repository]( ---- ### Problem Using `plaintext` in a template's frontmatter where you've also specified a different destination filename via...

```shell FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Build file '/Users//Repositories//packages/app/node_modules/@iconscout/react-native-unicons/android/build.gradle' line: 89 * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':iconscout_react-native-unicons'. > You must specify a URL...

Takes care of `Task :iconscout_react-native-unicons:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED` during build on react-native ^0.63.4 from #17

Running `react-native run-android` on my project using `react-native 0.63.4` fails with the following: ``` /Users/unicons-issue/failing-project/node_modules/@iconscout/react-native-unicons/android/src/main/java/com/reactlibrary/ error: UniconsPackage is not abstract and does not override abstract method createJSModules() in ReactPackage public...

It'd be great if there were an `Icon` component that used a `name` prop to render the appropriate icon. I'm using react-native-paper in a current project and the best way...

Hey guys, Huge improvements with the most recent refactor, thank you! I'm noticing that the package is still depending on node-provided libraries, though. So far, I've seen `os` and `net`,...

A few of the feature first approaches I've stumbled onto use a dedicated directory for routing—often called `scenes`. What's your opinion here? How might you organize it according to what...

Not everyone has an environment/machine ready to support this right out of the gate. :)

The project I'm working on is not relying on the compiler for inserting dynamic data, so we don't need config files for our templates. It'd be great if the compiler...


Creating a new sketch using the source provided in the README results in a 500 when Editor attempts to import the sketch: