I just followed the Getting Started instructions and when I ran my application, I get the following error: ``` [info] Running com.iheart.playSwagger.SwaggerSpecRunner /plant-simulator/target/swagger/swagger.json routes false [error] (run-main-0) scala.ScalaReflectionException: class Int...
I face a strange issue when trying out Almond and Ammonite. I'm using the Jupyter notebook extension using Almond and running a Scala kernel. I have the following content in...
I can see some documentation on how to use the KafkaActor Consumer, but there is very little information on how to use the KafkaActor Producer. I want to push a...
I'm facing the following error and I'm not sure what is suspicious in my code below! j``` ava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: perfolation.package$.stringBuilder()Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; at io.odin.formatter.Formatter$.formatTimestamp(Formatter.scala:84) at io.odin.formatter.Formatter$.$anonfun$create$1(Formatter.scala:49) at io.odin.loggers.ConsoleLogger.$anonfun$println$1(ConsoleLogger.scala:18) at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18) at monix.eval.internal.TaskRunLoop$.startFull(TaskRunLoop.scala:88) at...
I'm using Kustomize to compose my k8s resources. I have a set of patch yamls in my Overlay folder that I want to ignore. With conftest, there is this plugin...
I just checked out the latest code and I was having a look into the client.go source file and I could not find any implementation for some of the functions...
I'm facing a strange issue when trying out Microk8s. As I was running the following command: ``` oesan@joesan-InfinityBook-S-14-v5:~$ juju add-model kubeflow ERROR opening API connection: starting proxy for api connection:...
This is some awesome piece of code and I would like to use it in one of my projects, but however I face some issues when integrating it. What I...
II have a sbt g8 template that I customized for my projects and this is located as one of the sub project in a multi module scala sbt project which...