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Night and day regions on Earth

Results 6 Leaflet.Terminator issues
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Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to show the day/night layer with a gradient edge like some other maps. I have attached an image of one such implementation...

Have you though of extending the Leaflet.Terminator to work with react-leaflet, a react-leaflet-terminator if you will. The code would be a wrapper for Leaflet.Terminator so you could add it to...

Hello! Thank you very much for this handy library! I was wondering about a feature request that I think would be a useful addition. I have a dark map so...

Please update your wonderful javascript using the calculation of the terminator that includes an averaged atmoshpheric refraction addition: that I (chaim) explained how to calculated in the following post: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/28563/hours-of-light-per-day-based-on-latitude-longitude-formula/320092#320092...


It would be cute to have an option for a yellow dot that shows the current overhead position of the sun.


How could I append another terminator line for a golden hour (Sun 6 deg above the horizon), twilight (optionally 6,12,18 degrees below the horizon), Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and other planets?...