Results 71 comments of Sven Slootweg

It's important to keep in mind that ES6 *does not replace ES5*. It merely adds a number of new features to the language that can help in the cases where...

I'd also be quite happy with this.

Another odd tracker: [Smartlook]( - they claim that "We will record everything visitors do on your site. Absolutely for free." Their endpoint is, apparently.

Perhaps superfluous, but same issue here on NixOS. It works inside of `steam-run`, so this is probably a NixOS packaging issue. Edit: Filed [here](

> last time I checked (2022/05) the two Django 3.1 CVEs were not hit by archivebox code paths For what it's worth, [nixpkgs specifies]( a rather longer list of relevant...

Looking at the code, I suspect that [this]( might be where the problem is occurring, at least nominally. If an internal error is reported for a connection attempt more than...

Running into the same problem here. In my case, it concerns logic where there's ultimately one success/failure result (represented by a Promise that either resolves or rejects), *but* there are...

Hmm, this is actually a non-trivial thing to fix. The problem is that to integrate with Express, `express-ws` will create a 'fake' suffixed GET route that applies all the specified...

I've provided an explanation in [this comment]( on how to build project-specific socket management abstractions, which addresses this issue as well :)