creds icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
creds copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] Simple local encrypted credential management with GPG 🔐


Circle CI

Simple encrypted credential management with GPG.

  • Rationale
  • Requirements
  • Install
  • Uninstall
  • Usage
    • Configuration
    • Creating a new credential store / Editing existing credential store
    • Listing credential stores
    • Setting/Loading
    • Running a command with environment vars from a credential store
    • Unsetting
    • Importing an existing plaintext file
    • Integration with direnv
  • Troubleshooting
  • Developing & Testing
  • TODO
  • Author


I have a lot of different sensitive environment variables to juggle. API keys, tokens, usernames, passwords, etc. I had been using simple shell scripts to set environment variables when needed, eg:

$ cat ~/Dropbox/creds/
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo

$ source ~/Dropbox/creds/

$ s3cmd ...

But I don't like storing these in plaintext on Dropbox.

Thus, how about a simple way to encrypt/decrypt these as needed with GPG?


  • bash >= 3.2
  • gpg (tested with 2.0 and 2.1 but might work with 1.4)

Tested on Mac OSX 10.11 with gpg2 installed from homebrew, but should work on most platforms with the above requirements.


Several options for installation, in order of recommendation:

  • Using homebrew, install latest tagged release:
$ brew install joemiller/taps/creds
  • Using homebrew, install master branch:
$ brew install joemiller/taps/creds --HEAD
  • Or, clone and run make install:
$ git clone
$ cd creds ; make install
  • Or, curl install!
$ curl >./creds
$ chmod +x ./creds

If you're on OSX you may need to install GPG and create a keypair. You have a few options:

  • Homebrew: brew install gpg2 gpg-agent
  • Install GPG Suite from

Run gpg2 --gen-key to generate a new keypair if you don't already have one.


  • If installed via homebrew: brew uninstall creds
  • If installed from make install: Run make uninstall


$ creds -h
usage: creds [-h|--help] [-v|--version] <subcommand> [arguments]

Simple encrypted credential file management with GPG.

The most commonly used subcommands are:

  list                  list available credential stores
  edit                  edit a credential store
  import                import an existing file into a new credential store
  set                   display commands to set credentials from a credential store
  unset                 display commands to unset credentials from a credential store


creds reads configuration from ~/.credsrc file, eg:

[email protected]

Required variables:

  • CREDS_DIR: A directory where encrypted credentials files will be stored.
  • GPG_KEY: The GPG key to use for encrypting credentials. Use gpg -K to list keys.

Optional variables:

  • GPG_BIN: Path to GPG bin to use. If not set, creds will look for gpg2 and gpg in the path, preferring gpg2 if found.

Creating a new credential store / Editing existing credential store

The edit command will create a new credential store if one does not exist yet.

The format of credential stores is single line KEY=val environment variable style lines. All other lines will be ignored when using the set and unset commands.

$ creds edit aws-work

< .. $EDITOR launches .. >

Listing credential stores

$ creds list
Credential storage dir: /Users/joe/Dropbox/creds
- aws-work
- misc
- digitalocean


Use the set command to print the contents of a credential store.

Usually you will wrap this with eval to set the credentials in your shell's environment.

$ creds set aws-work
 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo

You can then copy and paste to set these vars in your current shell or do it in one comand:

$ eval "$(creds set aws-work)"

The export VAR commands generated by creds set will be prefixed with a single whitespace character. If you're using zsh or bash as your shell and HISTCONTROL= env var contains ignorespace this will prevent the export statements (and your secrets) from being stored in the command history. This is the default setting in bash and zsh so it's probably already set correctly.

Running a command with environment vars from a credential store

Use the run command to load environment vars from a credential store and execute a command with that environment.

Environment vars are added to the current environment so existing vars will also be available to the command.

$ creds run aws-work env | grep AWS

$ creds run aws-work s3cmd ls s3://some-bucket

Similar to, and inspired by, the excellent envchain util.


Use the unset command to unset the credentials. This should also be used with eval.

$ creds unset aws-work

$ eval $(creds unset aws-work)

Importing an existing plaintext file

$ cat ./circleci.keys

$ creds import ./circleci.keys
Encrypting './circleci.keys' to '/Users/joe/Dropbox/creds/circleci.keys.gpg'

Integration with direnv

creds is a great companion to direnv.

Place one or more eval statements in your .envrc file:

$ mkdir some-aws-project
$ echo 'eval "$(creds set aws-personal)"' >some-aws-project/.envrc

$ cd some-aws-project
direnv: loading .envrc


$ cd ..
direnv: unloading


direnv is able to follow all of the env vars set by creds so when you leave the directory they will be automatically unloaded.


  • If you see an error such as the following (ambiguous) error during creds edit:
   gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unusable public key

try using gpg --edit <key_id> (or gpg2 --edit-key <key_id for GPG 2.1+) and marking the key as "ultimately trusted".

  • You may use variables in assignment for other variables in a cred set but you will need to enclose the eval statement with double quotes, example:
# creds edit foo

$ eval $(creds set foo)
$ env | grep KEY_ID

$ eval "$(creds set foo)"
$ env | grep KEY_ID

Developing & Testing


  • bats - (brew install bats)
  • shellcheck - (brew install shellcheck)

Run make help to get a list of tasks.


  • maybe make it work with the keybase commands too? but don't introduce a dependency on keybase.
  • Rewrite in go, optionally using gpg library? Unlikely as this is intended to be a simple tool and already has very few external dependencies (only bash 3.2+ and gpg) but it would be a fun rewrite.


joe miller, 2016