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Jupyter Kernel for MIT Scheme

Results 8 mit-scheme-kernel issues
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When I use the kernel, it throws the error like that: ;The primitive dld-load-file, while executing the dlopen system call, received the error: /usr/local/lib/mit-scheme-x86-64/ undefined symbol: zmq_timers_set_interval. The system is...

(my environment is Ubuntu via WSL 2 ) So far, I haven't been able to locally install the mit-scheme kernel. I've successfully installed MIT Scheme from source, ZeroMQ, and this...

Hi, I tried following the directions for installing from source. O/S is: Linux Mint 20.3 Una base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal MIT Scheme installed correctly as per the first section from...

After executing about 10 to 12 commands, the kernel dies with the following error. ``` Unhandled signal received. Killed by SIGSEGV. ``` Let me know what other information you need.

Running the notebook works just fine but I can't find the files after saving them. They are probably not saved to disk at all, even though there is not message...

Hi! I'm attempting to modify the kernel so that it's possible to get it running with all of the code from "SCMUtils" available to the user. At the repl, I...

Hey there! I'm trying to load the file "p0utils.scm". When I run `(load "p0utils.scm")`, scheme prints "string->integer", which is one of the functions in the file. As such, I know...

Hello, Running jupyter console --kernel mit-scheme returns the following error message: ;Illegal character: #\u ;To continue, call RESTART with an option number: ; (RESTART 1) => Return to read-eval-print level...