angular-snapscroll copied to clipboard
compositeIndex is undefined
I had a situation where I was loading the view, and the div containing the snapscroll was initially not shown. The user clicks on a tab in the page, and then the div is shown. When I attempt to use the wheel to scroll, it threw an error on line 453:
var snapIndex = scope.compositeIndex[0];
compositeIndex was undefined.
When I loaded the view and had the div with angular scroll shown on init... it triggered a call to snapIndexChanged which initialized the scope's compositeIndex on line 348:
scope.compositeIndex = [current, 0];
So it seems like you're using a Changed event to do some initialization. My workaround was this ng-init hack:
<div class="element-template-bars" snapscroll="" snap-index="0" ng-init="$$childHead.compositeIndex= [0, 0];" snap-duration="300" scroll-delay="false" enable-arrow-keys="true" prevent-double-snap-delay="150">
Hi, thanks for this. I think it's the same issue that was posted here #35, which I still haven't managed to reproduce :/
Is it possible to create a jsfiddle with some minimal code that can reproduce the issue? Even though I can probably fix it by initializing the compositeIndex to [0, 0]
(neat dirty hack btw :)), I'd like to add a test for it so that it doesn't end up regressing later, for instance when I expose the compositeIndex as an attributre binding.
I haven't made a jsFiddle before, but I figured it was time to learn. I spent a couple hours on this, but I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. And I can't give you my project unfortunately.
This is as far as I got:
However, the footer works no matter if its shown later, and doesn't raise the error.
I have a feeling that the issue is related to ui-router. In my project I'm changing url/route state based user navigation clicks (all on the same page/controller). In most cases, I'm using $state.go to the same state, but different params. And I'm using the options where notify is false, and reload is false.$state
So I can basically update the state and the url to match what the user clicked, but I don't reload the controller at all, and its very fast. In this scenario it might not be raising the same load events. But this is just a guess.
Good luck, I can't spend any more time on troubleshooting this.
Thank you for taking the time and the extra info, much appreciated :) I'll keep this open while I try to figure it out
Before I leave this topic, I had my browser breakpoints still in place, and here's screenshots of them.
The error in the console:
The breakpoint on the error:
How scope.compositeIndex is normally initialized. The requestLoaded event is triggering a digest.