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AllenNLP model for the Kaggle toxic comments challenge
Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
Over the winter break I decided to take a crack at using AllenNLP for the Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge. My goal was not to win, but just to see how hard it would be to use AllenNLP for a "novel" problem. ("Novel" only in the sense that I don't think we've tried AllenNLP for a Kaggle contest before.)
The Challenge
The challenge is a multi-label classification problem. Each training example consists of a comment id, a wikipedia comment, and a binary vector of length 6 indicating whether the example contains a certain type of toxicity.
The training data is in CSV format, so I created a custom ToxicReader
subclass of DatasetReader
that indexes the comment in a TextField
and then creates a ListField
of LabelField
s for the 6 labels.
It consists of about 96k examples. I split these into roughly 85k training examples and 11k validation examples.
The test data is also a CSV but only has the comment_id and comment columns.
As this is a Kaggle competition and not an academic reference dataset, a good entry would spend a lot of time cleaning and massaging the data. I didn't do this.
The Model
I largely followed MattG's Using AllenNLP in your Project tutorial, and my model is a slight variant on his:
- tokenize the comment
- embed the tokens using 100d GloVe vectors (I later found a Kaggle discussion about how this embedding performs poorly on this task)
- use a bidirectional LSTM to encode each comment as a 200d vector
- produce 6 output logits using a 2-layer feedforward network
- apply
to the output logits to get 6 probabilities
I trained the model using torch.nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss
(on the logits) and implemented a MultilabelF1
to use as the validation metric.
The Result
This model doesn't do great, right at this moment I am in 750th place (out of about 1000). My guess is that to improve things I'd need to invest time in three areas:
(1) cleaning the data (2) doing some feature engineering (3) coming up with better word embeddings
None of these is on my short-term to-do list, so probably I'm stuck near the bottom of the leaderboard.
A Few Issues
Part of why I did this was to see what issues came up when I took AllenNLP out of its comfort zone. I found a couple:
(1) here the test data is unlabeled, which means it has a different "shape" from the training data, which means that (as the library works currently) it's not possible to combine test and training data into a single dataset (which I needed to do to get the test-vocab word embeddings into the model). We have some long-term plans to fix this (and broader issues). As a short-term workaround I just made up labels for the test data, which didn't affect anything.
(2) our Predictor
workflow is premised on JSON -> prediction -> JSON. Here our test data is in CSV format,
which makes it hard to generate the submission containing the test data and predictions (which also needs to be in CSV format).
I made a PR to fix this, but in the meantime I just wrote my own predict.py
that deals natively with CSVs.
Running it Yourself
I just (July 2018) updated it to work with the latest released allennlp (0.5.1).
To run the code, create a new virtual environment and
pip install allennlp==0.5.1
Then you can train the model using the command
allennlp train --include-package toxic baseline.json -s /tmp/your/serialization/directory
(The include-package
flag is necessary for the allennlp code to know about the
custom classes defined here.)
You might need to do export PYTHONPATH=.
, I have been doing Python for years
and still don't really understand when that's necessary.