literal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
literal copied to clipboard

A literal Ruby gem.

Results 17 literal issues
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The `attribute` macro is defined on Active Model and various other gems. I think we should consider using a different name. The best I’ve been able to come up with...

This doesn't work: ```ruby class Procy extend Literal::Attributes attribute :some_proc, Proc, :&, default: -> { proc {} } end ``` ``` irb(main):016> /ruby/gems/3.2.0/bundler/gems/literal-455f225574db/lib/literal/attributable.rb:81:in `initialize': Expected `nil` to be of...

Literal is full of so many half-baked experiments. These experiments have taught us a lot about what’s possible. I’m creating a branch called `legacy`, which will be locked to the...

Just upgraded from 211eb65 to fd94c7d (latest) and running my tests using sus... ``` /Users/joelmoss/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/bundler/gems/literal-fd94c7d4f36c/lib/literal/module_defined.rb:16:in `block in ': undefined method `after_defined' for Sus::Be:Class (NoMethodError) tp.self.after_defined ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ from /Users/joelmoss/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/sus-0.24.2/lib/sus/be.rb:59:in `' from...

- [ ] Figure out how to hook into code loading - [ ] Create a SyntaxTree processor for instance variable references - [ ] Ignore blocks protected by conditionals,...

Thanks for the solution proposed for supporting kwargs ( I tried it and I am facing an error. It looks like the position of the kwargs attribute is important and...


Literal futures are a wrapper around [async]( tasks, providing typed future values. ### Literal::Future You can create a future like this ```ruby future = Literal::Future(User).new { get_user_from_api } ``` It...