The differences in the iControlREST API between pre-v12 and v12 are substantial, and I'm not sure how to make changes that would accommodate both. v12 introduces 20+ types of monitors...
These Pester tests were created by someone else. Anyone is welcome to try their hand at fixing them, and getting the Test-F5Session function to accept and use the mocked F5...
Hi, jfletcher93, when you call New-Node and use the FQDN parameter set, there is a parameter for AutoPopulate that accepts Enabled and Disabled. I don't think we yet have a...
Hi, I see what you mean. I did it through the UI, to see if I could determine what param value it expected to set FQDN auto populate to true....
Hi, OLaudren, Thanks for creating these. I'll check them out shortly. Just fyi, the normal procedure would be to have your own fork of the project, add your changes to...
Hi, OLaudren, In testing, I found that the example given for New-DataGroup didn't work. It's passing in **http** as the type, but the only accepted values for type are **ip**...
From the looks of it, accepting an external file for a data group might not be an easy addition. My recommendation would be to fork the project, make your changes...
Hi, Olivier, I'm just checking in to see how this is going. Cheers, Joel
Ok. I'll take a look again at what Olivier submitted, and tweak it a bit. I don't think I'll be adding the External File support at this time, though.
@mtengmo , I haven't really used datagroups myself. So what you're interested in is different, I take it, from a Set-DataGroup function, because you're more interested in modifying the actual...