Here's what I have so far: It returns pretty much everything available in the sync status endpoint, and works with 11.5, 12.1, and 13.0.
I'll take a look at this.
I'm thinking about something along those lines. What you're calling a wrapper, I would think of as a new parent PS module (something like F5-BIGIP) that loads in child modules...
Thanks, Elijah. I think that would be very helpful. My only comment is, to help follow one of the conventions we've been using, I'd be in favor of merging the...
One thing to keep in mind while we're working on this, though, is to, if at all possible, not introduce any breaking changes. Some of the functions that are not...
I have a working structure for this, but I'm not sure where the appropriate place is for it. It might be best to put it in a new repo, since...
Looks like a great start! I'll take a shot at testing it out on some of my lab setups.
Hi. Thanks for opening this issue. When I tried to repro it, I got 2 errors with the latest version of the module: ` Select-Object : The property cannot be...
@tmccarthy349 I'm in kind of a tough spot. I'm switching jobs and after today I will no longer have access to LTMs on which to test the F5 PowerShell module....
Sorry for the slow reply on this. I believe we'd need to add 'destination' as a param for the New-HealthMonitor function. If we're going to make that change, though, I...