scrollability copied to clipboard
iPad 2 and Safari 5.1.2 - scroller stops working
Hey Joe,
I was testing scrollability on my iPad 2 and Safari (your table example) - it seems to get stuck eventually when playing with it and will no longer scroll, even though i can see the transform:translate3d property changing..Have you or anyone seen this issue?
i face the same issue. any updates??
hi there,
it's a while ago since this thread was started. it seems that something changed in newer safari browsers with the document.styleSheets class. the added "-webkit-keyframes" are not available at runtime. i don't have time to further analyse this behaviour.
so, if you need a quick and dirty method to fix this issue you simply have to add one line of code
function onLoad() { var ss = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(ss); globalStyleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1]; globalStyleSheet.insertRule(".x {}", 0); // <- this one!!! }